  • 學位論文


Food safety risk assessment in Taiwan: Exposure risk of residual radiation level of imported foods from Japan and of aflatoxin level in local peanut products as examples.

指導教授 : 潘敏雄


臺灣食品藥物管理署(簡稱:食藥署)在2011至2019年間共查驗超過15萬批自日本進口至臺灣之食品,輻射檢驗結果皆符合食品中原子塵或放射能污染容許量標準,然而多數民眾仍認為日本進口食品中之放射能污染會對民眾健康構成威脅。黃麴毒素是真菌之次級代謝產物,具有遺傳毒性與致癌性,會對健康造成嚴重之不良影響;臺灣氣候溫熱潮濕,適合真菌生長,食物易受黃麴毒素污染,當中又以花生及其製品最常被檢測到黃麴毒素。因此本研究之目的分為兩個部分:評估國人因食用日本核災五縣市外之進口食品與攝食國內花生及其製品中可能存在之黃麴毒素導致健康危害風險。利用食藥署邊境查驗之公開資料,蒐集2011至2019年間之輻射檢測數據,並以最壞情境估計臺灣民眾經由日本進口食品攝入之內部輻射劑量與其終生癌症風險。結果顯示,即便在最壞的情境下,以15-19歲男性為例,因攝入放射性同位素銫累積之約定年有效劑量(committed effective dose, CED)為每年0.0057毫西弗,遠低於每年安全劑量1毫西弗。在癌症風險部分,以食品中檢出之最高劑量計算其名義風險(nominal risks),以19-65歲女性族群為例,實體癌、白血病、甲狀腺和乳癌之終生名義風險分別為每萬人中有3.82、0.87、0.96與5.04例癌症可能發生。另利用2005至2015年間食藥署後市場監測之公開資料,蒐集花生中黃麴毒素之濃度數據(1.84±4.03 ppb),計算因攝食受黃麴毒素污染花生導致肝癌發生之風險,並依據歐洲食品安全局建議之基準劑量下限10%(BMDL10) 0.4 μg / kg bw/day,來計算暴露限值(margin of exposure, MOE)。結果顯示,攝食受黃麴毒素污染之花生及其製品導致之肝癌風險為0.0007至0.2713例/十萬人/年。結論,在目前的監管政策與暴露情境下,民眾不會因攝食日本進口食品而顯著增加癌症風險。花生及其製品中之黃麴毒素污染應非造成國人肝癌發生之主因;另黃麴毒素限量標準降至4 µg/kg後,暴露限值將大於10,000(屬低度風險),可降低肝癌發生之風險。


During 2011 to 2019, more than 150,000 batches of Japanese foodstuffs were inspected at the border inspection of Taiwan. Among these, only trace levels of radiation were detected in 226 batches. Nevertheless, there is a growing concern in Taiwan about the threat posed by radionuclide contamination to food safety. Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites naturally occurring in many foods such as peanuts, spices, rice, tree nuts, and maize. Aflatoxins are both genotoxic and carcinogenic substances and can cause severe adverse health effects. The purpose of this study is to estimate exposure risk of residual radiation level of imported foods from Japan and aflatoxin level in Taiwan local peanut products. Radionuclide contamination concentration data were gathered from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) between 2011 and 2019. The results indicated that in the worst-case scenario, the highest exposure level of the annual committed effective dose (CED) from ingestion of cesium radionuclides within males aged 15-19 years old was 0.0057 mSv per year. This value was well below the CED of 1 mSv per year for radionuclides. Moreover, in the worst-case scenario, in 19-65 years old of the female group, the nominal risks for solid cancers, leukemia, thyroid and breast cancer were 3.82, 0.87, 0.96 and 5.04 per 10,000 cases, respectively. The aflatoxin contamination concentration data (1.84±4.03 ppb) were gathered from the TFDA between 2005 and 2015. According to the benchmark dose lower confidence limit, 10% (BMDL10) 400 ng/kg bw/day suggested by the European Food Safety Authority, the calculated margin of exposure (MOE) value cannot reach 10,000. Cancer potency data from the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives indicates that the estimated population risk ranges from 0.0007 to 0.2713 cancers/100,000 population per year. In the general situation, we posit that in the current regulatory policy and radioactivity exposure scenario, radionuclides present in food pose no significant safety risk in Taiwan. And aflatoxin contamination does not seem to largely account for the occurrence of liver cancer in Taiwan. MOE calculations point out that when the maximum residue limits of aflatoxin are 4 µg/kg can reduce the concerns of causing potential liver cancer.


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