  • 學位論文

「世界文化遺產」觀光行銷之研究 -日本岐阜縣白川鄉合掌屋與中國福建永定客家土樓之比較

Cultural Heritage and Tourism Marketing Research -Comparison of Japan Shirakawa Gassho-zukuri House and China's Fujian Yongding Hakka Tulou

指導教授 : 彭懷恩博士
共同指導教授 : 邱榮舉博士(Rong Jeo Chiu)


Kotler, Kartajaya, Iwan在《行銷4.0:新虛實融合時代贏得顧客的全思維》(2017)中說:「行銷方式從最早產品帶動的『行銷1.0』,到以客戶為中心的『行銷2.0』,然後轉變到以人為本的『行銷3.0』,現在則是到了『行銷4.0』的傳統行銷加網路行銷的時代」。 本研究採質化途徑的內容分析法,以日本白川鄉荻町合掌屋與中國福建永定客家土樓之觀光發展歷程為經,及其觀光行銷模式為緯,探討兩者為何能成為世界遺產?並且在行銷4.0的時代裡,如何利用網路的影響力,計畫性地進行其觀光行銷傳播,創造出其觀光經濟效益以及其觀光行銷的策略為何?。 本研究發現白川鄉合掌屋和永定土樓皆屬歷史古聚落,兩者獨特的建築外觀完全與其所在環境之文化景觀相融,建築內部的功能也符合其歷史各階段的社會和經濟需求,並且至今仍保存著相同的文化景觀以及傳統聚居之精神和建築功能的文化傳統。 白川鄉合掌屋和永定土樓登錄為世界遺產並朝向觀光產業發展後,其經濟效益皆有驚人的成長,白川鄉1995年登錄為世界遺產之前,觀光客數大約在60至70萬人次上下,登錄為世界遺產後,觀光客數每年與前年比都呈100%以上的成長,1996年便突破100萬人次,2019年突破200萬人次。永定土樓由於範圍廣闊,經濟效益表現更加突出,在2008年登錄為世界遺產之前,遊客量僅約15萬人次左右,登錄為世界遺產當年就成長了78.6%,達37.5萬人次,隨後年年成長,2014年來到366.12萬人次,觀光總收入也從2006年的421萬元人民幣,增加到2014年的9千500萬元人民幣,2019年觀光客總人數達1166.17萬人次,總收入達138.63萬人民幣。可見世界遺產之光環,對白川鄉合掌屋和永定土樓觀光客的招攬有其實質經濟效益。 在觀光行銷策略上,白川鄉不僅完全進入網路傳播的Wi-Fi時代,在村內30個地方設置6國語言的免費Wi-fi網點服務,擴大SNS社群網站的運用。白川鄉公所也補助店家購買平板電腦與無線分享器,以增進與外國遊客的交流與互動。除此之外,白川鄉還利用漫畫與動漫的故事性,吸引年輕新型態的遊客。相較於 此,永定土樓話題仍然圍繞著土樓的特殊外觀與防禦功能,較無其他新穎故事性吸引遊客,但作為世界人口第一大國,總人口達14億的國家,其國內旅遊人數(2019年為1149.95萬人次)即可填補外國遊客(2019年為16.21萬人次)之不足。


In “Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital”, Kotler, Kartajaya, and Iwan (2017) stated that marketing has shifted from product-driven marketing (marketing 1.0) to consumer-centric (marketing 2.0) to human-centric marketing (marketing 3.0) and to the integration of conventional marketing and digital marketing techniques (marketing 4.0). This research takes a qualitative, content analysis approach to examine how Shirakawa Gassho-zukuri House (Japan) and Fujian Yongding Hakka Tulou (China) obtained their UNESCO Heritage site status through tourism marketing activities. In particular, it investigates how these destinations promoted themselves systematically and created economy value strategically in the era of Marketing 4.0 through the use of Internet. This research reveals that Gassho-zukuri House and Hakka Tulou can be categorized as historical village / building. Externally, their unique design and structure integrated with their surrounding environment and culture. Internally, these dwellings’ function aligned with residents’ socioeconomical needs during different historical periods. Moreover, their cultural significance and traditional value have been well-preserved by stakeholders. After obtaining their UNESCO Heritage site status and focusing on tourism activities development, Shirakawa and Yongding have seen significant economic growth. S In 1995, about 600,000 to 700,000 tourists visited Shirakawa. This figure reached a million in 1996 and two million in 2019. The effect of obtaining UNESCO Heritage site status is even more significant in the case of Yongding because it is a comparatively bigger area than Shirakawa. In 2008, about 150,000 tourists visited Yongding. In 2009, about 270,000 tourists visited this destination, which is a 78.6% increase from previous year. It attracted 3.6 million tourists in 2014 and then 11.66 million tourists in 2019 (Lin, 2015). Yongding generated 4.21 million RMB in 2006, 90.5 million RMB in 2014, and 138.63 million RMB in 2019 through tourism activities (Jiang, 2021). Based on the above, having a UNESCO Heritage site status have made a significant impact on these two destinations’ ability to attract tourists and generate income. As for tourism marketing strategy, Shirakawa is fully covered by Wi-Fi. There are 30 free Wi-Fi hotspots in the area and the services are available in six languages. This is to encourage visitors to use SNSs (Ichikawa, Hata, and Matsui, 2016). Local council also subsidies businesses to purchase tablets and remote Wi-Fi access machines to engage and interact with foreign tourists (Narihara, 2016). Furthermore, marketers also use comic and anime to attract younger visitors. When compared to Shirakawa’s promotion of Gassho-zukuri, Yongding Hakka Tulou’s main attraction is still about its building’s unique appearance and military function. It has few original talking points to attract visitors. On the other hand, as one of the largest countries in the world with a population of 1.4 billion, the shortfall of international visitors (1.62 million in 2019) to Yongding Hakka Tulou can be compensated by its domestic visitors (11.49 million in 2019).


王昭正、陳怡君(譯),Gilllan Dale and Helen Oliver (原著)(2002)。《旅遊與觀光概論》。臺北:弘智文化。
方世榮、張士峰(譯),Kotler P. Armstrong G. (原著)(2008)。《行銷學原理》。台北市:臺灣培生教育。
