  • 學位論文


Japan's Policy in Pursuit of Normal Country Status:A Comparative Analysis of the Koizumi Era and the Post-Koizumi Era, 2001-2011

指導教授 : 徐斯勤


第二次世界大戰結束後,當時盟國對於日本國體及政體,以保持天皇制度、放棄戰爭權不再有軍備、終止封建制度的三原則,從解除日本軍事力量和推行民主及制定日本新憲法為戰後改革目的。基於原則日本新憲法第九條以永久放棄國權發動之戰爭、不保持陸海空軍與其他戰力、不承認國家交戰權為其特殊之處,稱為「和平憲法」。   和平憲法引領戰後日本「重經濟、輕武裝」的吉田原則而成為世界經濟大國,1989年結束冷戰及1991年波斯灣戰爭的衝擊,和平憲法特殊之處對日本國家安全防衛的制約引發「正常化國家」的論述。日本從2001年4月小泉首相任期至2011年9月菅首相任期止,歷經6位首相,期間從911美國恐怖攻擊事件自衛隊赴伊拉克支援美國軍事行動、完成有事法制,防衛廳升格防衛省、頒布國民投票法,頒布宇宙基本法等一系列政策,在國家領導者異動頻繁情況是否對於正常化國家政策影響其延續或差異,及所影響政策的因素,為本文研究目的。 本文係以小泉與後小泉時期尋求正常化國家政策為案例比較,首先,進行小泉與後小泉時期尋求正常化國家政策議題中憲法議題、安全防衛、外交政策為依變項的比較,經比較後提出政策延續與政策差異,其次,以美日同盟、東北亞安全困境、軟實力展現及領導者理念為自變項,解釋對正常化國家政策延續及差異的影響,從自變項的作用觀察依變項的變化。 案例比較分析後本文主要研究發現,小泉與後小泉時期正常化國家政策,在憲法議題、安全防衛是政策的延續,而外交政策是差異的;另外影響小泉與後小泉時期政策延續因素是美日同盟及東北亞安全困境,影響小泉與後小泉時期政策差異因素是軟實力展現及領導者理念。其他研究發現,安全防衛是正常化國家最重要的政策、後小泉 時期完成正常化國家政策強度雖然高於小泉時期,但小泉時期為朝向正常化國家之政策奠基、日本將持續穩健的朝向正常化國家目標發展。


It was the end of World War II. Allies of WWII had determined the three major principles in dealing with Japan: maintaining the country’s constitutional monarchy, the government, the emperor, stripping the country of war powers and army buildup, and ending the country’s feudal era. The goal was to disarm the country’s military might, promoting democracy, and inaugurating a new constitution in the postwar era. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is a clause in the National Constitution of Japan that prohibits an act of war by the state; but also forbids Japan from maintaining an army, navy or air force; it also bans settlement of international disputes through the use of force. The Constitution is called, the Peace Constitution. The Yoshida Doctrine defined postwar Japan as an “economic development-centric, military buildup-secondary” country, shaping it into an international economic mover and shaker. The Cold War was officially concluded in 1989. The Gulf War broke out in 1991. Yet Japan was unscathed these international conflicts, as result of the Peace Constitution. The Constitution, however, led to heated debates regarding Japans’ national security being conditioned, and that whether Japan was a “normal country.” Between April, 2001 and September, 2011, Japan witnessed six premiers in office, from Junichiro Koizumi to Naoto Kan. During which, the U.S suffered the September 11 terror attacks, the Japan Self-Defense Forces was deployed to Iraq, the Act on Related Incidents was completed, the Japan Defense Agency was upgraded to become the Ministry of Defense; a referendum was held, and the Aerospace Act promulgated. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of frequent changes of national leaders on a normal country, the continuation of the nation’s policy, and how the changes effect policymaking differences. The study compares policymaking differences of a normal country between the Koizumi and post-Koizumi eras. It will compare constitutional issues, national defense, and foreign diplomacy confronting Japan between times while Koizumi was in office and the post-Koizumi era. These issues serve as the dependent variables. Policymaking continuation and different policies will be highlighted after the comparison. Next, the U.S-Japan alliance, the security dilemma in northeast Asia, the manifestation of soft power and leadership visions will be used as independent variables to address policy continuation of a normal country and what policy differences might be resulted. The effects of the independent variables will be used to track the changes in dependent variables. After comparison, the study found that normal country policies in both the Koizumi and post-Koizumi eras were consistent in Constitution and self defense; but there was a difference in foreign policy. The U.S-Japan Alliance and the security dilemma in northeast Asia were the primary factors affecting policy continuation in the Koizumi and post-Koizumi eras. Soft power and leadership visions effected policy differences between the Koizumi and post-Koizumi eras. Other studies found that self defense is the most crucial policy for a normal country. The strengths of the normal country policies completed during post-Koizumi era had waned from the time while Koizumi was in office, but this iconic former premier had managed to build a foundation for Japan as a normal country, steering it steadily toward becoming a powerful yet normal nation.


