  • 學位論文


Re-enchantment: The Discourse of the Barbarism and the Civilization in the Postcolonial Writing of Taiwan

指導教授 : 梅家玲


本論文關注臺灣歷史與文學文本中「野蠻」一詞概念遞變的系譜,尤其置諸殖民現代性情境下與所謂「文明」呈現的對峙。野蠻的指稱,伴隨外來者的視線,成為帝國藉以迻譯、區分他者,排除或治理的話語政治;而歷經清治、日治被視為「化外」、「蕃地」的臺灣,既呈現與東亞殖民主義接觸的問題性,也帶來具體的戰爭、文化衝突。1914年藉軍警部隊強勢鎮壓的「太魯閣戰爭」可視為日治前期立基於文明征服野蠻的「理蕃」政策,與臺灣原住民衝突的小結;此後雖轉以文明開化的治理形式,實則隱抑的矛盾,最終導致1930年霧社事件。 班雅明(Walter Benjamin)描繪的歷史天使,以背對過去、襲捲進未來之姿,質疑著現代名之「進步」的風暴,他疑問歷史是統治者的歷史,「沒有一座文明的豐碑不同時也是一份野蠻暴力的實錄」;沿此,重新追問「野蠻」,不僅為指出「文明」的自我辨識、經常立基將他者銘刻野蠻的歷史過程,同時欲指出其與野蠻暴力的毗鄰,即文明內蘊的野蠻性。反思「野蠻」遂也觸及傅柯(Michel Foucault)指出的話語形構(discursive formation)問題。對文學藝術而言,更重要的是,創作者如何以書寫,重新爭議統治者銘寫的記錄,亦即思考殖民歷史的從屬者(the subaltern)如何可能發聲? 在這部論文中,將聚焦幾個歷史事件環節,包括1914年太魯閣戰爭,1930至1931年賽德克族以傳統儀式起事反抗日殖民者的霧社事件,隨之遺族遭致鎮壓、屠殺與移住川中島,1942年日本因應太平洋戰事而徵募原住民高砂義勇軍前進南洋,以及戰後蘭嶼延續殖民體制而陷於被犧牲地位,引爆為1988年達悟族人發動第一場反核廢料貯存場的抗爭運動。這幾個相互鑲嵌的歷史時空,呈現二十世紀臺灣所歷經接觸地帶(contact zone)上,語言以至文化慣習等交混或隔閡、野蠻與文明的重要論題;而偌多再現事件的文本,呈顯差異的歷史認識與意識形態,其立即或遲延的回應,本身內涵了複雜的問題性。論及的作者主要含括歷史研究者與小說家,後殖民作者、原住民作家、生態書寫者等,他們共同呈現一種面對盤踞的現代性啟蒙思維的反思,進而分別以復返傳統性、迷魅、神話、另類歷史等,形成本論文嘗試指出與現代理性祛魅相對的復魅(re-enchantment)之姿,復返與自然、土地連繫的嶄新野蠻思維,呈現諸樣的歷史。


野蠻 文明 歷史書寫 後殖民書寫 原住民 話語 復魅


This dissertation concentrates on the discourse of the term "barbarism" retrospectively within the context of modernity, and how the meaning of this word transfers, is recognized, is narrated, and established. Barbarism has long been considered as an antonym to civilization, and long associated with its history of being suppressed, conquered, or eliminated. As Walter Benjamin once indicated in Theses on the Philosophy of History: “There has never been a document of culture, which is not simultaneously one of barbarism.” The relations between barbarism and civilization is always complex and dialectical. Taiwan has endured a complex historical progression, and its documents of civilization have been repeatedly established on governed and domesticated barbarism. Throughout its history, civilization is always accompanied by colonialism or even war. This is what Walter Benjamin indicated, we should reconsider the linear history with its idea of progress, and rethink the relations between primitive and progress, tradition, and modernity. During the period of Japanese rulership (1895-1945), the colonists brought modern progress to Taiwan. The governing knowledge was based on the research of anthropology, botany, museology, and modern literature. This colonial “database of natural history” (自然史資料庫, Wu Ming-Yi’s words), paradoxically, provides important historical materials and references to researchers nowadays. Base on this, the dissertation especially focuses on the conflicts caused by colonialism and the aboriginal tribe such as Truku War (太魯閣事件, 1914), Wushe Incident (霧社事件, 1930), Takasago Volunteers (高砂義勇軍, 1942), and the post-war Lanyu (蘭嶼, 1988). In the 1980s-1990s, numerous discussions of post-colonial criticism were introduced to Taiwan. Taiwanese novelists like Wu He (舞鶴), Shih Shu-Ching (施叔青), Syaman Rapongan (夏曼.藍波安), use literature forms such as post-colonial text and auto-ethnographic expression to continue to debate the boundaries between civilization and barbarism. These novelists condemned the violence of modernity through their works and tried to reverse barbarism as learning of critical thinking. This dissertation brings out how the concept of barbarism is represented in the text of colonial modernity by tracing back to historic periods and how the term is used in contemporary literature narrations.


Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations: Essays and Reflections. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 本雅明(Walter Benjamin)著,張旭東、王斑譯,《啟迪:本雅明文選》,香港:Oxford University Press,2012。
Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Fredric Jameson. “Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism,” Social Text. no. 15 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 65-88.
Gayatri C. Spivak. “Can the Subaltern Speak?, ” in C. Nelson and L. Grossberg (eds.). Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp. 271-313. 邱彥彬、李翠芬譯,〈從屬階級能發言嗎?〉,《中外文學》第24卷第6期,1995年11月,頁94-123。
