  • 學位論文


Predator and prey biodiversity relationship and its consequences on trophic interaction—Interplay of marine nanoflagellates and bacterioplankton

指導教授 : 謝志豪


了解捕食者-獵物多樣性之關係在生態學中一直是很重要的議題。本研究以南東海之超微細鞭毛蟲(捕食者)和浮游性細菌(獵物)作為探討獵物及捕食者多樣性關係之研究對象。我們以illumina Miseq定序16S與18S rDNA序列分別估算超微細鞭毛蟲和浮游性細菌多樣性; 以螢光顯微鏡和流式細胞儀分別對超微細鞭毛蟲和細菌之細胞做計數,以取得兩者豐度資料。本研究以線性回歸與結構方程模型分析探究捕食者及獵物的關係,同時也考慮環境因子,以區別環境因子對獵物及捕食者的同時影響。結果顯示,捕食者及獵物多樣性呈現正相關,顯示獵物多樣性支持著捕食者多樣性 (bottom-up control)。另外,為了考慮微細鞭毛蟲會對於細菌獵物有選擇性的可能,本研究也將細菌分為兩不同功能性(自營性及異營性細菌),並分別探討其與超微細鞭毛蟲的關係。結果發現,只有當獵物為異營性細菌時,捕食者/獵物多樣性比值與獵物豐度呈現負相關,表示較高多樣性的捕食者會減少獵物的豐度,而獵物的多樣性則會阻礙獵物的捕食。整體而言,位於南東海的超微細鞭毛蟲和細菌兩者多樣性彼此相互影響 ,並且超微細鞭毛蟲對不同功能性的細菌獵物會呈現不同的機制。


Understanding predator-prey biodiversity relationship has been an important issue for ecology. Here, for the first time, we examined the biodiversity relationship and its consequences on trophic interaction between nanoflagellates (predators) and bacteria (prey) in the southern East China Sea. We obtained the nanoflagellates and bacterial biodiversity data through the sequences of 18S and 16S rDNA respectively with illumina Miseq, and abundance data by using epifluorescence microscopic and flow cytometry counting, respectively. Specifically, we evaluate the relationship between nanoflagellates and bacteria biodiversities and abundances after accounting for the environmental variables with linear regression and structural equation modeling analyses. Our results indicate that predator and prey diversity were positive related, suggesting bottom-up effects of prey diversity to promote predator diversity. For considering the possible selective behavior of nanoflagellates, we also examined the relationship between nanoflagellates and two functional groups of bacteria (autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria). We found heterotrophic bacteria abundance increased with decreasing predator/prey diversity ratio, indicating that consumption of predators decreased with increasing prey diversity and decreasing predator diversity, which corresponds to the resource concentration hypothesis. We, however, did not find specific pattern for the autotrophic bacteria. Our results indicate that the bottom-up and top-down processes interactively controls bacterioplankton and nanoflagellates communities, and nanoflagellates responded differently to different functional groups of bacteria in the southern East China Sea.


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