  • 學位論文


A Service-oriented and Cross Platform Health Promotion Information System

指導教授 : 賴飛羆


在台灣,由於過重的人口比例日漸增長,並且有越來越年輕化的趨勢,肥胖儼 然已逐漸成為一個嚴重的公共健康問題。為協助正在進行飲食控制、體重控制亦或 是一般希望維持健康狀態的使用者達到健康促進,此研究中,我們發展了一套資訊 化的健康促進系統--臺大智慧健康照護系統。系統的架構設計主要是利用模組-界 面-控制項的模式進行設計。這套系統目前已經成功的運用於一間公司中。 在新的系統架構設計中,整合並集中了系統內的模組物件,使存取資料庫、使 用者識別及驗證、臨床數值分析引擎的功能集中在單一的元件之中。在這樣的架構 下,可以確保系統的擴充性、系統內的資料一致性以及系統地跨平台能力。本研究 成功的將此架構導入臺大智慧健康照護系統的系統建置之中,並且運用在數種平 台上,包含智慧型手機、個人平板電腦及網站。在使用者訪問系統時,系統使用了 客製化的憑證進行使用者及訪問的辨識,擁有處理網路不穩定的環境的特性。此外, 系統中飲食資料庫的機制則是根據 Web 2.0 的概念進行設計,資料庫的內容也能 由使用者產出,有用的資料量能隨著使用量增加,進而回饋使用者,使得記錄更為 方便。系統上線至 2014 年 5 月 30 日已運行三個月。在這段期間裏,相較於過去 該公司所使用的健康照護系統,使用者持續使用的比例提升 25%,而過重的使用 者在這三個月中,平均每月能減少 2Kg。飲食資料庫上線後的一個月則新增了 255 種食物。這樣的結果也顯示使用者願意使用此系統的意願上升,同時增加使用與關 注,有助於體重的控制。同時此架構也顯現了能快速複製出相同的服務的能力,並 擁有未來發展成雲端系統及後續擴充的潛能。


Obesity has become an important health issue in Taiwan due to its increasing prevalence among population and the ages of patients are getting younger. In this research, we build a health promotion information system (HPIS), for people who were on diet and to control their weight, or others to keep in shape. The HPIS is designed based on model– view–controller (MVC) pattern with a proposed architecture framework and has been successfully implemented in a company. The architecture centralized the functions of accessing databases, user identification, and the validation of inherited clinical knowledge in a single component. Under this architecture, the system ensures its scalability, extensibility, data consistency, and the capability of cross-platform. This architecture has also been implemented in different devices and platforms, including iPhone, iPad and website. The architecture also supports unstable network environment, which uses Token as session identifier and user validation. Furthermore, a food database mechanism are also proposed in this research. Until May 30, 2014, the system has been launched for three months. Compared with the system that was previously used in a study, the HPIS has retained 25% more users, overweighting people lose approximately 2Kg a month in average. And the food database increases 255 kinds of foods in one month. These results show that the proposed system has the potential of increasing the willingness of users to use it, and through using the system, the health condition of users may receive better control. The proposed framework is also fully capable in extending the service to other companies in the future.


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