  • 學位論文


Further Review of Regulatory Control on the Price Discrimination under Competition Law

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


自1936年美國羅賓遜.波特曼法(Robinson-Patman Act)以來,各國競爭法上多可見對於事業差別取價行為之管制,我國公平交易法亦於第19條第2款明文對事業間差別待遇行為加以管制。然而,差別取價乃市場上各事業間於投入競爭時,所採取再尋常不過之手段;事業的差別取價行為往往能為價格競爭帶來力量,並且常有助於開拓新市場,因此亦有其不容忽視的益處。究竟競爭法是否應介入管制事業之差別取價行為,若是、又應如何管制,值得吾人細究。 本文首先整理過去各派經濟學者對於差別取價之分析,以評價其對於競爭市場所可能帶來之影響。其次將賣方力量型及買方力量型差別取價加以區分,先後就美、日競爭法相關規範之管制架構及具體運用加以剖析,並整理兩國邇來對差別取價管制之學說、實務演進。最後探討我國公平交易法對差別取價之相關規範及實務運用,並自降低管制強度方向提出結論建議。


Since the enactment of the Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 by United States, it has been commonly seen the regulatory controls on the industries' price discrimination under the anti-trust law in various countries. Sub Paragraph 2, Article 19 of the Fair Trade Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan) also explicitly provides a regulatory control scheme on the differentiated treatments between the enterprises. However, the price discrimination itself is essentially an ordinary mean adopted by the enterprises during the course of their participations in competition, which sometimes may enhance the price competition within a new market when the enterprises intend to participate in the same. Hence, it is questionable whether the anti-trust law shall provide the control on the conducts of the price discrimination by the enterprises and how to do the same in this regard. Firstly, this thesis summarizes the analyses on the price discrimination by the respective economists in the past, so as to evaluate its possible impacts on the competition market. Secondly, it categorizes the price discrimination into seller–induced type and buyer-induced type, and analyzes the control schemes under the relevant regulations of the anti-trust laws of United States and Japan and their applications. It also reviews those two countries' progresses of the price discrimination in respects of both academic theory and practical application. At last, this thesis discusses the relevant regulations and practical application under the Fair Trade Act and reaches the conclusion toward diminishing the regulator controlled level.


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