  • 學位論文


Sunny Dyeing and Finishing (SDF) Core Competency Analysis through Resources and Capabilities

指導教授 : 邱宏仁




紡織 代工 染整 競爭 台灣 資源 能力


The purpose of this study was to investigate the core competencies of textile OEM dyeing and finishing companies in Taiwan through the perspective of resources and capabilities. Professor Robert M. Grant’s studies on this analytical process were the primary methodology and inspiration used in this paper. Starting with the macro analysis of the textile OEM business in Taiwan and evaluate deep down into each of the possible resources and capabilities of success within the company. Another aim was to carry out a field feasibility study of this analytical approach on small & medium manufacturing companies in Taiwan. This could provide a basis and platform for similar firms to carry out self-evaluation on current and future strategies; replicating the strengths found and managing the weaknesses discovered. Finally, possible research limitations and drawbacks findings were discussed for this analytical approach.


textiles OEM dyeing competency Taiwan resource capabilities


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