  • 學位論文


Phenology and Wasp Interactions of Ficus subpisocarpa and Ficus caulocarpa in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 周蓮香
共同指導教授 : 吳文哲


榕屬植物與榕小蜂的專一性授粉關係是互利共生的極佳例證。除授粉榕小蜂外,非授粉蜂在此互利共生關係中也佔有一席之地。在台灣的雌雄同株榕屬植物中,雀榕(Ficus subpisocarpa) 屬於常見的物種,並具有極複雜的小蜂多樣性。本研究旨在建構其基本植物物候及探索「雀榕、授粉蜂、非授粉蜂」三者的關係。因此,本研究從2011年四月至2012年十月,每週分別調查54株雀榕與22株可能的競爭物種大葉雀榕(F. caulocarpa)的物候狀況與生長特徵,以瞭解兩者在台北與授粉蜂的共生關係以及生存策略(第二章)。另外,除了鑑定利用雀榕的小蜂種類外,也藉由產卵時序和套袋試驗進一步推測小蜂的食性階層(第三章)。 雀榕與大葉雀榕的物候調查結果顯示與授粉蜂的共生關係與榕果物候有關,而葉候則可能受到其他環境因子的影響。除此之外,比較兩種榕屬植物的差異,雀榕族群僅需要較小的族群腹地就足以維持授粉蜂族群,但大葉雀榕由於果小樹高可提供鳥類易食性,使它仍然具有與雀榕在北台灣競爭的潛力。在小蜂關係的部分,發現並鑑定出19種利用雀榕榕果的小蜂,其中包含五個新種。19種小蜂中,Camarothorax屬與Acophila mikii應為造癭者,而Arachonia sp.、Sycoryctes sp.和多數的Sycophila屬小蜂則可能為寄生蜂或寄居者,最晚產卵的Philotrypesis屬應為寄生上述小蜂的寄生蜂。 本論文建構並探討了雀榕與大葉雀榕的物候資訊與競爭潛力,榕果小蜂相與種間互動也為瞭解小蜂多樣性共存於單一榕果的現象提供重要資料。


雀榕 物候 植物競爭 產卵時序 食性階層


The plant-pollinator interaction between Ficus and Agaonidae wasps is a worldwide example of mutualism. Apart from the pollinators, non-pollinating fig wasps also play an important role in this mutualism. Among the monoecious Ficus species in Taiwan, Ficus subpisocarpa as a common species, had a complex fig wasp diversity. The aims of this thesis are to establish the basic plant phenology, and explore the relationship of fig trees, pollinators, and non-pollinators of F. subpisocarpa. Fifty-four F. subpisocarpa trees and 22 F. caulocarpa trees, which could have a competition relationship with the former, were surveyed weekly from April 2011 to October 2012, for understanding the mutualism with pollinators and living strategies in Taipei (Chapter II). Meanwhile, all wasp species were identified, and surmised the possible trophic levels by oviposition sequence and wasp exclusive tests (Chapter III). The phenology results showed the fig production is mostly related to the mutualism while the leaf phenology is probably driven by environmental factors. Moreover, comparing the difference between the two Ficus, F. subpisocarpa could take smaller population area to support the population of pollinators. However the smaller figs and taller trees of F. caulocarpa could afford more consumption by birds, which made F. caulocarpa remain high potentiality to compete with F. subpisocarpa in Northern Taiwan. For the wasp interactions, there were 19 chalcid wasp species, including five new species, discovered in F. subpisocarpa. Camarothorax spp. and Acophila mikii were considered to be gall-makers, Arachonia sp., Sycoryctes sp. and most of the Sycophila species should be parasitoids or inquilines, and Philotrypesis spp. could be hyperparasitoids. This thesis built the phenological information and investigated the competitive potential of F. subpisocarpa and F. caulocarpa. The fig wasp fauna and interactions were also provided valuable resource to understand why the high wasp diversity could exist in only one fig.


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