  • 學位論文


Using Scenario Simulation to Facilitate Students' Learning on Disaster Prevention Education

指導教授 : 康仕仲
共同指導教授 : 曾敬梅(Ching-Mei Tseng)


臺灣地處於太平洋地震帶,且受副熱帶季風影響導致氣候型態複雜多變,所以九成天然災害損失來自地震、颱風及豪雨。氣候變遷狀況下,尤以五月梅雨季,七到九月颱風季,更加劇豪大雨災害,又因人為過度開發加上未做好水土保持,大雨過於集中狀況,山區常易造成嚴重土石流(debris flow)災害。然而,臺灣目前教育體制中並無正式災害防治(disaster prevention)課程,有關天然災害知識,分列於中、小學自然與社會學科中,且著重於災害成因及其衝擊,對於天然災害防災態度,以及如做決策…等素養較少提及;而目前防災教育依賴校園災害防救計畫推動,多集中地震及火災防範訓練和演練,缺乏颱洪災害系列課程。更因為非主要考試科目,相關的課程教材設計開發資源相對缺乏,不易取得完整有效課程教材,學習成效也有待驗證。執行上教師及學生防災教育專業訓練不足,往往不願投入時間與心力,導致推動校園災害防救計畫,僅少數負責承辦業務人參與窘境,只以鼓勵政策推動,没有強制執行防災教育與訓練動力。因此探究如何提升教學與學習成效,且可建構在地化防災教育課程教材,及學習成效評估量表是有其必要性。 本研究希望以多元教學策略,透過創新遊戲及課程設計,解決上述防災教育面臨問題。課程中介入的這款遊戲是依據目前年輕人所喜愛的塔房攻防模擬遊戲進行設計,以學生為主體,採情境式體驗學習,課程教學以在地化生活環境及經驗為核心,藉由好玩、有趣的方式提供颱洪防災教育訓練和演練,以引發興趣與提昇態度的學習成效。本研究之目的為設計一「應用數位模擬遊戲之颱洪防災教育」課程教材,內容包含「課程設計」、「問卷量表發展」及「學習成效評估」。學習成效評估之「應用數位模擬遊戲情境式教學」於颱洪防災教育的評量工具,量表信度為.982,以驗證該課程教材及遊戲情境式教學在學習颱洪防災素養上成效。教學成效評估結果:「學習興趣」、「價值態度」、「自覺技能」3個構面平均數,後測較前測高且具顯著性差異,分別為0.495、0.397、2.909。「遊戲態度」部分,學生對於此款遊戲具顯著正向肯定,平均數為3.65。防災知識構面,前後測平均成績具顯著差異,後測較前測高1.652分。透過反思回饋及討論,經三次遊戲驗證,第二次平均數高於第一次131.545分,第三次平均數又高於第二次342.788分,且具顯著性差異。前、後測比對顯示玩過遊戲討論後,學習者在問卷中四個構面認同度皆有顯著提升,所以,防災教育導入「應用數位模擬遊戲情境式教學」防災教育課程教材,是可以提昇學習成效。


Located in the earthquake zone and often influenced by the seasonal subtropical wind, 90% of natural disasters in Taiwan are caused by earthquake and heavy rain, especially during the May monsoon and Summer Typhoon season. Although it is essential to advocate the sense and understanding of disaster prevention, such as the consequences and corresponding responses of natural disaster, such as flooding and debris flow; however, the current Disaster Prevention Education included in the textbook of primary and junior high school, has been merely focused on the sources of disasters and the harms causes by disasters. From the educational perspective, the researcher and her team strive at enhancing the proper attitude and decision-making towards disasters, from developing a series of Disaster Prevention simulation games with corresponding teaching material and designing a valid research tools, such as survey and guiding questions. Based on the above research goal and research questions, a popular digital-simulation game, entitled Tower Defense Game, was designed along with corresponding curriculum design and research tools. Targeted on authentic situation and personal experiences, learners play the Disaster Prevention game through scenarios with constantly decision-making and interactive responses. It combines with Digital Simulation, Class Activities, References, Reflections and Class Schedule regulated by the Department of Education. Learners are expected to be able to actively choose, act and receive more feedbacks as well as participate and learn more through the games, not only simply through trial and errors. This study focus on students’ learning enthusiasm, core value, self-consciousness towards Disaster Prevention has been improved a lot through the teaching material. Overall internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.982) were high. The difference between the before and after the questionnaire is significant (p  .000***). Analysis of Pre-test Post-test: Gain scores is 0.495, 0.397, 2.909. Students have a significant positive affirmation for this game, the mean is 3.65 for the questionnaire. Disaster Prevention Knowledge has gained 1.652 scores more. The second survey has earned 131.545 scoring than the first, the third has earned 342.788 than the second. The questionnaires of this study has focused on the reliabilities of Enthusiasm towards Disaster Prevention Education, Disaster Prevention for Typhoon/Flood, Alert for Typhoon/Flood, Disaster Prevention Attitude. The teaching material in this study does improves these four issues through digital game simulation.


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