  • 學位論文


A Study of Adventure Game Design for Disaster Prevention Education

指導教授 : 曾憲雄


防災教育在九年一貫的教學中一直是一門重要且基礎的課程。過去學習防災教育的概念應用通常倚賴實際的操作演習,這種方式成本較高。冒險型遊戲(Adventure Game)提供一個虛擬的環境讓學生在其中做中學,並強調利用觀察與判斷的能力在遊戲中達成各種關卡,因此很適合作為防災教育的學習。然而由於冒險型遊戲通常含有多線式複雜的劇情,因此製作一個冒險型遊戲對老師而言是一個很大的負擔。另一方面,學生在遊戲裡下的判斷以及執行的動作皆是基於他們的知識概念,因此老師可藉由遊戲進行形成性評量。在這篇論文中,我們提出一個Adventure Game-Based Formative Assessment 的架構來幫助老師建構出可進行形成性評量的冒險型遊戲。在遊戲編輯的部分,我們提出一套adventure game script的方法,透過互動式導引的方式引導老師填寫我們定義的劇本,並將各個教學目標串聯出一個多線式的遊戲劇情。劇本填寫完成後,我們的系統將會幫助老師進行實際遊戲的建置。有了實際的遊戲後,透過我們提供的Game Behaviour Analysis 方式可幫助老師進行形成性評量。透過我們提出的架構,我們建構出一個高樓逃生遊戲,並利用此遊戲對35位新竹市立光武國中的國一學生進行形成性評量。我們的結果顯示,我們提出的分析方式的確可以幫助老師了解學生的認知概念。


Disaster prevention education is a basic and important course in K-12 education. Adventure games require observations and correct decisions to reach the goal, and thus can be used for disaster prevention teaching with far less costs than doing real exercises. However, making games are big burdens for teachers because of the complex cause-and-effect relations in adventure games. Another issue is that teachers want to do formative assessment in the game since learners’ behaviours in the game give teachers an insight into learners’ cognitions. In this thesis, we propose an Adventure Game-Based Formative Assessment framework to help teachers construct assessable adventure games. The adventure game script approach is proposed for game construction. This approach helps teachers tailor their game scenarios from different learning objectives through interactive guidance based on a pre-defined script format. After filling out the script, our system will transform the obtained information into the real game by game transformation process. Game Behaviour Analysis provides teachers with two different levels of information: conceptual level and the behaviour details level. In conceptual level, learners’ task sequences (the order of completing the tasks) will be mapped to their misconceptions right after they finish playing the game. The organized logs can be used to do more analysis such as discovering behaviour patterns in the game through behaviour mining in behaviour details level. A disaster prevention game called “Escaping the Burning Building” is constructed using our adventure game script approach. The game is played by 35 seventh grade students. The analysis results provided by our Game Behaviour Analysis show our method can really help teachers find out learners’ misconceptions and behavior patterns in games.


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