  • 學位論文


The Media Representation of Air Pollution in Taiwan: A Framing Analysis of the United Daily News and the Liberty Times

指導教授 : 谷玲玲


近年台灣空氣品質不佳,空氣汙染議題受到民眾關注,媒體報導頻率日漸增加,但鮮有相關傳播學研究。本研究採取van Gorp質性、量化並舉的新聞框架取徑,以《聯合新聞網》、《自由時報電子報》2015-2020年空汙報導為分析樣本,分析台灣主流媒體對空汙議題的框架建構。研究發現,空汙新聞多集中於冬、春兩季,空汙議題新聞以純淨新聞為主,兩報消息來源皆以地方、中央政府及主管機關為主。本研究共萃取出「重生框架」、「責任歸屬框架」、「科學與知識框架」、「公民參與」、「毀壞與疾病框架」、「衝突框架」六類框架,其中《聯合新聞網》報導數量前2名為「重生框架」、「責任歸屬框架」,《自由時報電子報》為「重生框架」、「科學與知識框架」。在框架裝置與推理裝置上,每個框架各有特點,在框架裝置中先後出現了戰爭隱喻、疾病隱喻、宗教隱喻、金融隱喻、比賽隱喻等,並出現了諧音雙關修辭方式。部分框架具有典型的寫作範式。透過本研究能幫助了解台灣空汙新聞文本中所隱藏的社會文化脈絡,提高媒體素養。


In recent years, the ambient air quality in Taiwan has worsened. The attention on the issue of air pollution has been growing in Taiwan, so has the media coverage on air pollution issues. Meanwhile, few communication studies have been done in this respect. This thesis uses the qualitative and quantitative approach as van Gorp did in news framing study to analyze air pollution news coverage (2015-2020) of two newspapers in Taiwan, United Daily News and the Liberty Times, to explore how the frames of air pollution issue are constructed by Taiwanese mainstream media. The result of this study shows that air pollution is mostly reported during winter and spring. Most news coverage is of the traditional "inverted pyramid" structure. The news sources of the two newspapers are both local/central government and competent authorities. Six main frames will be presented and analyzed in this study: “rebirth”, “responsibility”, “science and knowledge”, “participation of citizens”, “devastation and diseases” and “conflict”. United Daily News most often uses the “rebirth” and “liability and accountability” frame, while the Liberty Times most often uses the “rebirth” and “science and knowledge” frame. Each frame has its characteristics on framing devices and reasoning devices. Several metaphors are included in the framing devices, such as: war, disease, religion, finance, competition. Framing devices also include paronomasia. Some news coverage with certain frames has typical writing paradigms. This thesis helps understand the political, social and cultural context hidden in the coverage of Taiwan’s air pollution news to improve media literacy.


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〈「做好做滿」成廣告詞 無限延伸還有……〉,(2015年11月22日)。《自由時報電子報》。取自https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1516728
〈誰來拍台灣的《穹頂之下》給政府看?全台空汙破表 花蓮也超標〉,(2015年3月12日)。《今周刊》。取自https://buzzorange.com/citiorange/2015/03/12/taiwan-air-pollution/
王家禕(2017年12月14日)。〈空汙多來自大陸?台大教授:總統錯了!〉,《中時電子報》。取自 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20171214005718-260407
