  • 學位論文


The Study of Energy-Efficiency-Oriented Transportation System Planning Model

指導教授 : 許添本


一國的經濟活躍需要完善的運輸體系加以支援,不論是已開發或開發中國家常以交通建設為第一優先的重點建設,投入大量的建設經費以帶動國內其他部門的發展,並且消耗大量的能源。能源的提供是經濟發展不可或缺的要素,經濟的持續發展相對地能源的需求也逐漸增加,但是在能源的使用過程中往往會造成環境的污染;面對經濟成長與環境保護的取捨,經常陷入兩難。以運輸部門為例,隨著人民的生活水準的提升,進行各種社會經濟活動的版圖愈來愈遼闊、多元化,旅次數量的增加因而增加運輸工具的使用,能源的消耗也就更多,這似乎是必然的趨勢。 然而,由於實際的交通情況與路面狀況等多種外在的因素,試驗場的燃油效率必然不等同於在現實狀況下的燃油效率。一旦交通堵塞,或車輛停等時誌,每單位的行駛距離引擎必將消耗更多於試驗場的油耗量。 以機械面的角度,運輸工具的引擎燃油效率,對於社會經濟面的產業活動與運輸規劃面的旅運情況難以有完整的表示。運輸需求是社會經濟活動的衍生需求,若是單從統計資料的延人(噸)公里數看待運輸系統的績效,要反映運輸系統對於社會經濟活動的效率似乎稍嫌不足。 本研究將結合運輸規劃下之各運輸現象與工程面的能源使用量,建立能源導向之運輸系統能源效率模式,將運輸規劃面與能源面的效果納入模式之中,以矩陣的方式加以串連解釋與計算,精準地推算運輸系統的能源使用效率。以整體運輸系統可以提供若干旅次量的角度,計算得出消耗若干能源之下的運輸效率。 本模式進一步,在政策設定下的假設狀況中,運輸系統可以提供的旅次量,是否可以滿足未來的運輸需求量。對於歷年之交通情況的變動,以及交通政策面之措施,可以透過模型矩陣的變數變動進行說明。藉由模型矩陣之所引發的效果,說明特定運輸工具之燃油效率的改善或惡化、整體能源消耗量的減少或增加、或者整體運輸系統可以提供之旅次量的增加或減少。


The supply of transportation is the essential element for enhancing economy. As the growth of economy, the more travel demanded, the more energy needed. The problem of conventional transportation planning process, that is, starting from travel demand forecasting process, which based on socio-economic activity, and then to create the transportation building alternatives to enhance the transportation efficiency. Resulting from this procedure, more socio-economic activities require more energy consumption consequently. The public and government are facing the dilemma of growing the economy or protecting the nature. As the result of actual traffic flow and road condition, the fuel efficiency surveyed laboratory field is consequently unequal to the efficiency operated on the actual roads. This research combines each kind of conditions of transportation planning and the energy consumption, which established. In this paper, a new thinking way to revise the planning procedure is presented. A model, called energy efficiency oriented transportation planning is proposed. It is based on a reversed planning structure concept. Applying the model, various transportation system supply structures under the constraint of energy consumption can be investigated. It can be applied to check the possibility of serving more travel demand and to satisfy similar socio-economic activity, but consuming the same energy amount, especially when the travelers use more energy efficiency transportation modes, such as public transport, or the energy efficiency of each mode is enhanced. Under some energy consumption policy or energy saving goals, this model can build a system and estimate its level of service by applying transportation planning to check whether its supply can meet the demand, the demand derived from economy development. The model can illustrate the possible way of transportation supply to match with the demand that derived from socio-economic activities in certain energy conservation policy. It also can be taken as a tool to investigate the potential way and check the policy execute, whether it had made it. In brief the initial idea provokes a new concept that revises the transportation planning procedure to start from the energy concern and then to fulfill travel demand.


15. 交通部運輸研究所,「台灣地區公路車輛行車成本調查」,民國83年4月。
台北市政府交通局監理處 網址:http://www.tcmvd.gov.tw/
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