  • 學位論文


Optimization of Modal Split in Tourism and Recreation Areas to Achieve Goals of Sustainable Transportation

指導教授 : 陶治中


近年來隨著「慢活」觀念的風行,我國民眾愈來愈重視休閒旅遊,觀光休閒旅次因而大幅成長,不但嚴重影響當地的環境生態,亦連帶造成鄰近道路擁塞而降低旅遊品質。有鑑於此,如何在有限的環境資源與能源限制條件下,針對觀光遊憩地區的運輸需求,既能滿足環境生態保護的要求,亦能兼顧社會公平的考量,而達到觀光遊憩區之永續運輸目標,則有必要進行觀光遊憩地區運具比例最適化的研究。 在模式建構前,應先將觀光遊憩地區內之運具,按其特性加以分類並藉由層級分析法以確定各運具選擇之相對權重值。其次,建構觀光遊憩地區運具分配比例之最適化模式,列出模式之前提與假設,並確定目標函數與其相對之限制條件,以進行各運具分配比例最適化之計算。然後以模式求解結果為基礎,經由不同交管策略情境之設計,計算運輸永續性綜合評量值,據以回饋、修正而反映適合該地區永續性狀態之運具分配比例。 本研究將選擇日月潭風景區為實證分析之案例。首先以客運、私人小客車、機車、自行車、計程車、電動小客車及電動機車等七類運具作為模式所探討之運具對象;然後運用線性規劃以建構觀光遊憩地區運具分配比例最適化之數學模式與求解;最後模式藉由LINGO軟體求得之結果即為日月潭國家風景區外及區內最適運具分配比例。同時本研究也將針對不同交通管理策略之導入來進行情境分析,計算各情境之運輸永續性評量值,並加以彙整而繪製出日月潭風景區之運輸永續性綜合評量3D圖,此亦可做為其他觀光遊憩地區導入交管策略後之運輸永續性綜合評量的參考範例。


More and more people pay attention to tourism in Taiwan due to the concept of "slow living". Tourism trips have increased rapidly recently. The problems in tourism areas, therefore, not only result in environmental and ecological deterioration, but also overcrowded traffic volumes. In order to meet requirements of ecological protection, economic efficiency and social equity for sustainable transportation under limited environmental and energy resources, this study aims at optimizing modal split in tourism and recreation areas to achieve goals of sustainable transportation. Firstly, characteristics of all possible mode choices in tourism and recreation areas are analyzed and classified, then the weights of each mode choice are determined by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Secondly, the premises and assumptions are declared and goal functions subjected to possible conditions are identified while constructing the optimization model. Based on results of proportions of modal splits, an overall evaluation index for sustainable transportation is finally computed under various scenarios with different traffic management strategies. The computed value can be used to demonstrate the status of sustainable transportation in surveyed tourism and recreation areas with proportions of transportation modes. The National Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area is chosen as the case of empirical study. Bus, private car and motorcycle, bicycle, taxi, electric car and electric motorcycle are selected as mode choices in this study. The optimization model with real data is then constructed and solved by LINGO software to compute the overall evaluation index for sustainable transportation under various scenarios with feasible traffic management strategies. A 3D diagram showing status of sustainable transportation is finally drawn for visualization which can be regarded as a format for other tourism and recreation areas.


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