  • 學位論文


A Study of Consuming Behavior in Web Shopping: The Application of a LISREL Model

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


根據資策會的調查顯示,國內的電子商務市場已與全球腳步一致有著快速成長的趨勢。網際網路的商業化趨勢,使得網際網路形成一種新的溝通、交易方式。網路市場藏有巨大商機,在各種網路商業行為中,網路購物成為消費者能夠最快、最有效率搜尋需求商品的重要管道,網際網路的出現已使商業競爭從「實體市場」轉移至「網路虛擬市場」。因此,本研究欲探討經常使用網路購物的消費者其網路購買行為。本研究嘗試連結沈浸理論,探討網路消費者在使用購物網站後,對此網站產生的滿意度、線上忠誠度、推薦等其他因素之影響。本研究採用網路問卷的方式取得受測樣本,總共收集到252份有效問卷,並採用LISREL作為分析工具。本研究實證結果可歸納出以下幾點: 1. 網路購物消費者在購物網站的滿意度確實會被消費者所感知此網站的線上環境所影響;另外,沒有足夠的證據顯示消費者對此網站產生沈浸狀態會影響其對於此網站的滿意度。 2. 網路購物消費者對此購物網站的滿意度是影響消費者對此網站的忠誠度、信任感、推薦行為的重要因素。 3. 網路購物消費者對此購物網站的信任感會影響消費者對此網站的推薦行為。 4. 網路購物消費者對此購物網站的線上忠誠度是消費者對此網站的推薦行為、及是否會參與此網站之虛擬社群的重要影響因素。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,對經營購物網站之企業提供實務上的建議,並且在網路購物行為方面建立一個較完整的模型,在現今電子商務日漸蓬勃的社會裡,提供一個參考架構。


網路購物 購物網站 線上環境 沈浸 LISREL


According to the survey from Institute for Information Industry, e-commerce in Taiwan is growing up and keeping in step with other depended countries. With the maturity of Internet, it is becoming a new way of business transaction and communication. Internet is rich in lots of profit and turning into a new channel by which consumers can search any information or products much efficiently. Because of Internet, the competitions of business have converted from physical market into virtual market. Therefore, this study is to explore the buying behaviors of the consumers who are often web-shopping. This study tries to link the flow theory and explore the consumers’ satisfaction, e-loyalty, and referral etc. toward the website after their bought products on it. This study collects samples by online questionnaire and receives 252 valid samples. This study uses LISREL for analyzing method and induces following conclusions: 1. The satisfaction of web-shopping consumers is affected by the e-scape which they perceive, on the other hand, there is not significant evidence to show that the web-sopping consumers flowing in the website will affect the satisfaction. 2. The satisfaction of web-shopping consumers is the main factor which can affect the e-loyalty, trust, and referral of the consumers toward the website. 3. The referral of web-shopping consumers will be affected by the trust of the consumers toward the website. 4. The e-loyalty of web-shopping consumers toward the website is the main factor which can affect the referral, and the desire of these consumers to participant in related virtual communities Finally, this study provides several practical suggestions about managing the web-shop and constructs a integrated model which can be used a new reference material.


web-shopping e-scape flow LISREL


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吳明鳳(2010)。台灣地區網路消費者購物決策因素研究 ─以社會及心理學取向〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00395
