  • 學位論文


Heat Pump Water Heating System Efficiency and Financial Analysis-A Case Study from a Hospital of Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


全民健康保險支付制度的變革,使國內醫療機構面臨著經營管理的挑戰,再加上政府節能政策的宣導及推動,國內各醫療院所無不積極投入各項節能方案的執行,期望能在不影響醫療服務品質下,降低經營成本,而熱泵熱水系統的應用,亦為其中一項重要的方案。 本研究以專家問卷方式調查,進一步了解專家對於熱泵在系統設計、使用、維護、操作、採購上之觀點,冀望在實務應用與文獻、效益分析研究上做一相互驗證,以完整呈現熱泵效益及其應用,國內關於熱泵熱水系統的相關研究,大都以量測驗證、計算推估與安裝前記錄比較,並以節省費用、回收年期顯現其效益,然而大都未考慮設備運轉期間的相關成本,亦未考量金錢的時間價值。 並以一醫院為研究對象,研究比較熱泵及鍋爐之初設成本、操作安全、維護保養,並以其熱泵及鍋爐運轉資料為基礎,以統計學方法建立模型,用以預估使用量,使熱泵及鍋爐模擬在同一期間下運轉,以此比較其節能效益,並以淨現值 (Net Prent Value, NPV)、內部報酬率 (Internal Rate of Return, IRR)、益本比法 (Benefit-cost Rate, B/C) 三種財務指標,以評估檢視其效益,另以回收年限 (Payback, PB)、折現後回收年限 (Discounted Payback, DPB)等常見的評估方法,佐以參考之用。期望本研究能提供給專精於技術的醫院設備維護管理階層,對於投資方案財務分析的了解與應用,並能與經營管理階層做更有效的溝通。


The reforms of the national health insurance payment system which enable the domestic medical institutions to face the challenge of the operating management. In addition to the movement and promotion from the government’s energy-saving policy, the domestic medical institutions are all positively in executing the energy-saving programs. To reduce the operating cost which hope not to affect the quality of the medical services. The application of heat pump hot water system, which is also an important program. This research is done by method of questionnaire for experts, in order to learn more about experts’ viewpoints on heat pump’s system design, application, maintenance, operation and purchase, hoping to apply in practical application, literature and analysis research for a mutual authentication, in order to complete its application presents heat pump efficiency. Regarding the related reports of the domestic heat pump hot water system, mostly are focused in the measurement verification, estimated calculation and comparison record and save the cost and benefit the recycling terms. However, the related cost associated with the large equipment during operation or the valuable time and money is not in the consideration. A hospital’s hot water system was also analyzed in this report. To study the comparison with the cost of the heat pump and boiler set at the beginning, safe operation, maintenance, and its heat pump and boiler transfer data as the basis for statistical model to estimate usage, simulation of the heat pump and boiler operate at the same time, in order to compare their energy efficiency. To evaluate its effectiveness, three financial indicators including Net Prent Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Benefit- cost Rate (B/C) are used. Then combined with the reference by the common assessment, Payback (PB) and Discounted Payback (DPB) to better understand the specialist’s perspectives on the heat pump system-design, maintenance and operation via expert questionnaire survey. We expect this study to provide the hospital equipment-maintenance management to specialize in medical technology for understanding the financial analysis of the investment program and application, and more effective communication with top management.


Heat pump Investment benefit NPV IRR B/C


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