  • 學位論文


Structural Change of Chicken Cornea during Development

指導教授 : 董成淵


在此論文中,主要目的是了解眼角膜在發育過程中,其膠原蛋白三維構造的變化。使用血清抗體陰性雞胚胎蛋,使其發育至9至19天的雞胚胎,而後取下其眼角膜(左眼以及右眼),各天數均使用三個雞胚胎,共六個眼角膜(左、右各三個)。再利用雙光子顯微鏡(second harmonic generation , SHG)的連續成像,並搭配快速傅立葉轉換(fast Fourier-transform , FFT)進行分析,藉此了解眼角膜的膠原蛋白在發育過程中其三維構造的變化,這對於發育生物學中的發育模式形成(Pattern Formation)是相當重要的問題。因此,我們亦對樣品進行染色,希望知道在發育過程中細胞、細胞核的變化以及細胞與膠原蛋白的關係,進而了解使眼角膜產生特定結構的機制,建立雞胚胎角膜發育的模型。


The cornea is main refractive component of the eye.it has high optical clarity and acts as a barrier to the external environment. And such characteristics come from the structure of the cornea.Therefore, understanding the structure of the cornea is important work. In this research project, we take 9-19 days chicken embryo’s cornea as sample. Next, we use second harmonic generation (SHG) microcopy to take images and fast Fourier-transform (FFT) to analyze images. We also analyze the data of the left and right eyes. The result show that, chicken cornea stroma rotate in a counterclockwise direction. Otherwise, the rotation rate decreases with depth. Upon reaching posterior stroma, the cornea’s collagen remains certain direction. We can confirm the rotation characteristics of collagen and help to understand the structure which contain numerous collagen.


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