  • 學位論文


Study on the Influencing Factors and Willingness of Industrial Real Estate -take the market of Shanghai as example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


產業地產能夠實現產業、城市、房地產三者之間的相互融合及良性互動。隨著經濟的發展,產業地產慢慢進入市場,引起諸多房地產企業的關注。憑藉中國經濟及地理優勢的上海,產業地產的發展走在中國城市的前列。由於發展過熱,上海市產業地產的發展也面臨著庫存壓力和競爭激烈的局面。在此情形下,瞭解企業對產業地產的需求程度,滿足企業的需求成為當下產業地產亟待解決之問題。 本文首先回顧了國內外產業地產發展的相關文獻,根據相關原理及文獻,將影響產業地產需求的因素分為企業特徵因素及產業地產特徵因素兩部分。結合文獻內容,本研究製作產業地產需求及影響因素問卷。通過對問卷所得數據進行回歸分析,得到產業地產環境因素和產業地產項目因素對產業地產需求產生正相關之影響,企業規模、企業年齡、企業財務狀況及產業地產開發商因素並無顯著影響企業對產業地產需求程度。


Industrial real estate can realize the integration and positive interaction among industry, city and real estate. With the development of economy, the industrial real estate has gradually entered the market, which has attracted the attention of many real estate enterprises. With the advantages of economy and geography, the development of industrial real estate in Shanghai is in the top of Chinese cities. Due to the overheated development, the development of industrial real estate in Shanghai is also facing inventory pressure and fierce competition. In this case, to understand the demand of enterprises for industrial real estate and meet the needs of enterprises has become an urgent problem to be solved. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant literature on the development of industrial real estate at home and abroad. According to the relevant principles and literature, the factors that affect the demand of industrial real estate are divided into two parts: enterprise characteristic factors and industrial real estate characteristic factors. Combined with the content of the literature, this study makes the questionnaire of industrial real estate demand and influencing factors. Through the regression analysis of the questionnaire data,we find that industrial real estate environmental factors and industrial real estate project factors have a positive impact on industrial real estate demand.Enterprise scale, enterprise age, enterprise financial Situation, industrial real estate developer factors have no significant impact on industrial real estate demand.


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