  • 學位論文


Floating Dropsondes with DGPS Receiver for Real-time Typhoon Monitoring

指導教授 : 江簡富


在本研究中,我們利用差分全球定位系統技術即時監測颱風,提高投落送定位的準確性,以量測颱風風場。並利用空飄氣球附載GPS接收機,以延長投落送之滯空時間,以觀察颱風的形成與變化。 模擬佈署投落送空飄氣球時,考慮降雨帶之分布、距海面之高度等重要因素,並以莫拉克颱風及卡翠娜颶風為例來驗證此一技術。


An approach is proposed for real-time monitoring of typhoon evolution, which is based on floating dropsondes bearing differential global positioning system (DGPS) receiver. A practical typhoon model for Typhoon Morakot and Hurricane Katrina is adopted to verify this novel approach. The deployment plan of dropsondes are also simulated to assess its feasibility.


DGPS typhoon monitor dropsonde


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