  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy Analysis on Google Advertising Business Model

指導教授 : 江炯聰


過去很長的一段時間,Google成為網路界的霸主,主要原因有二:搜尋引擎技術的領先以及成功地結合網路廣告的商業模式,而且Google與其他競爭者(Microsoft, Yahoo)的差距可以說是越來越遠,似乎整個網路世界已為Google所統治。然而近幾年間,從Web 2.0概念的崛起一路到社群交友網站(Myspace, Facebook)與微網誌(Twitter)的興起,網路世界的版圖正在悄悄地變化移動著。此外,手機與網路從兩個不相同的平台與產業,開始互相靠近而形成一個新的行動網路產業(Mobile Internet Industry),更多的競爭者分別從各自原本的戰場跨足到對方的領域來。因此Google從前網路霸主的地位以及網路廣告的商業模式開始被來自不同產業,不同網路服務型態及不同商業模式的競爭者所挑戰。 本研究主要基於上述的網路時代背景,從分析過去Google成功的競爭策略與關鍵因素,到探討現階段來自不同產業的競爭者的競爭策略分析與比較,在第五章分成了搜尋引擎的戰爭、社群網站的戰爭、行動網路的戰爭、作業系統的戰爭以及未來位置基礎服務(Location-Based Service)的戰爭來進行不同競爭者間的分析與討論。本研究發現策略聯盟與締結策略夥伴為這些不同競爭者間共同的戰術運用,同時企業併購的活動也成為了各個競爭者主要的策略戰術。最後,本研究也嘗試預測未來可能的搜尋引擎發展以及未來競爭版圖的可能態勢。


On the internet search and advertising market, nowadays Microsoft Bing and Facebook already become the largest competitors to Google. According to comScore report, Microsoft’s Bing got off to a good start by gaining about 3% market share in June, 2009. The latest search engine rankings for January 2010 showed continued growth by Microsoft's Bing at the expense of both Yahoo! and Google's search service. According to Web measurement firm Compete Inc., Facebook has passed search-engine giant Google to become the top source for traffic to major portals like Yahoo! and MSN, and is among the leaders for other types of sites. This trend is shifting the way Web site operators approach online marketing, even as Google takes steps to move into the social-media world. Google nowadays is trying hard to expand its landscape from internet to Mobile, and even try to enter the Operating system, Netbook market and the consumer electronics such as E-Book, TV, etc. This study analyzes different battles among different industries between Google and all its competitors from their business model, revenue model, competitive advantage, strategy and other factors. Undoubtedly, Google is facing a big challenge from different competitors on different battles. In the end, this study summarizes the trend of strategic groups and strategic alliance among these keen competitions plus how to apply M&A strategy to compete on the violent environment.


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