  • 學位論文


Challenges and Trends of Taiwan Lodging Industry

指導教授 : 周雍強


2008年政黨輪替後兩岸關係穩定,亞洲經濟也逐漸從金融風暴陰霾中走出,而中國經濟也大幅成長。2014年中國出境遊人次超過1.14億人次,出境旅遊消費1400億美元,帶動全球觀光市場的蓬勃發展。近年來台灣努力推廣國際來台觀光,吸引中國、日本、韓國、香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、東南亞各國等來台觀光客人數大幅的成長,為台灣觀光產業注入成長活水,且倍數成長。 2015年台灣即將邁入千萬觀光客大國,觀光人口成長趨勢吸引各行業者相繼投入旅宿業,近千億的資金湧入旅宿產業。由於行動網路應用普及,進而影響消費者的訂房行為與旅遊習慣。而旅宿業O2O(On line to Off line)的消費者行為改變趨勢,也影響旅宿業的行銷變化。國際網路訂房中心(Online Travel Agent ,OTA)逐漸取代傳統旅行社的訂房,高額的佣金支出削減了旅宿業的淨利率。除此之外,新的行動網路商業模式由「旅宿O2O分享經濟」概念下發展出新的銷售通路,媒介一般住家的閒置客房透過網路平台銷售。觀光客除了可選擇觀光旅館、旅館、民宿外,多了一般住家停留過夜的選擇,「旅宿O2O分享經濟」將分散來台旅客住宿的客源,影響合法旅宿業的住房率,而觀光客透過網路點評機制、社群網路及部落客的即時分享等網路行銷管道,間接影響旅客對於旅宿業品牌的選擇。隨者旅宿業數量的快速成長,中高階旅宿業專業管理人才的需求增加,如何妥善的安排教育訓練與人力資源規劃皆為旅宿業長遠發展的根基與挑戰。 台灣旅宿業面對未來發展的趨勢挑戰為何?首要為由「102年來台旅客動向調查」數據顯示,雖國際觀光客數大幅成長,但拜訪旅遊景點相對次數,除台北市高達83.76%外,其他多數縣市如高雄地區34.17%、台中地區10.06%,而台南地區僅6.23%可知,旅宿業仰賴國民旅遊市場的成長,而國際旅客數的增加對於部分縣市的住宿需求量有限,以致於部分縣市旅宿業數量的大幅成長而造成供需失衡;其次為依2014年觀光統計資料分析,95年至103年商務 (業務來訪)目的來台人數從近95萬人次降至約77萬人次。業務來台客層與旅遊客層相較下減少18.9%,進而影響商務定位的旅館住房率,顯示台灣旅宿業面臨定位轉型,其為一大隱憂。相對之下,來台以觀光為目的的客層則大幅成長,人數從151萬人次成長到719萬人次;此外,為隨著網路科技的發展,旅宿業如何結合數位行銷SoLoMo(Social + Location + Mobile)結合旅宿業O2O(On Line to Off Line)的整合趨勢,掌握行動行銷無國界的利基,跨領域與整合與創新帶動新的商機。台灣旅宿業必須鑑往知來,融合東西方文化與技術,整合資源以面對未來的競爭。 本研究將以台灣旅宿業作為探討對象。對於面對國際品牌與超過9,000家本土的旅宿業進入台灣市場競爭,當前仆後繼的競爭者以更新穎的裝潢設計、更低廉的房價優惠吸引旅客時,台灣旅宿業應如何面對房間供應數量的迅速成長及同業競爭?以及如何招募培訓優秀員工、利用資通訊科技的發展積極面對的挑戰,才能不被這波旅館興建熱潮趨勢與競爭所淹沒,為值得深思的議題。 本研究將從旅館經營管理實務的經驗觀察,提出台灣旅宿業如何因應未來發展的趨勢,檢視台灣旅宿業市場供給面、經營競爭策略及法規面所面臨的風險進行產業綜合評估。從旅宿業經營者相關的角度觀察產業的變化,探討研究整理出臺灣旅館業未來面對的趨勢與挑戰,提供規劃進入台灣旅宿業者,評估潛在機會與挑戰的參考依據,協力共同推動台灣旅宿產業的進步,創造有特色且友善的觀光旅遊環境。


旅館 民宿 旅宿業 競爭策略 趨勢 挑戰


Cross Cross-strait relation has been improved and become stable after the change of political power in Taiwan in 2008. With the booming of Chinese economy, Asia has also gradually recovered from the financial crisis. In 2014, there were more than 114 million outbound Chinese travelers and they sent more than US $140 billion, which helped to boost the rapid growth of global tourism market. In recent years, Taiwan has been promoting its tourism industry by attracting international tourists, especially Mainlanders, Japanese, Korean, Singaporean, Southeast Asian and people from Hong Kong and Macau. International visitors have made significant contribution to and helped to accelerate the development of Taiwan’s lodging industry. . It is estimated there will be more than ten millions of visitors coming and visiting Taiwan in 2015. The growth of tourist population tracts various interest parties to invest in the tourism industry. Due to the growing popularity of mobile applications, consumers’ hotel booking behavior has changed. The traditional booking behavior has been replaced by online travel agent. A new business model has been developed under the concept of "Tourist O2O Sharing Economy", which means people can rent out their spare rooms in their houses through online sales platform. Since then, travelers have another choice in addition to hotel and bed-and-breakfast (B&B). The choice of "tourist O2O sharing economy" is undoubtedly to disperse the traditional hotel’s source of clients and brings impact to the legal lodging industry. Online review mechanism, social networks and bloggers’ opinions are all influential factors to the tourists’ choices of accommodation. In addition, due to the rapid growth of lodging industry, the demand for senior and experienced managers is at a very high level. . Having a sustainable employee training program and human resource strategy are challenges for the lodging industry in the long run. . What are the challenges for Taiwan’s lodging industry? Firstly, although the number of international tourists has been continuingly growing, the 2013 tourist statistic shows that 83.76% foreign tourists visited Taipei, 34.17% visited Kaohsiung, 10.06% visited Taichung, and only 10.06% visited Tainan. The figures indicate that, except for Taipei City, many cities and countries rely more on the growth of the domestic tourist market. It is obvious to see that there are imbalances between accommodation demands and supplies. Secondly, based on the statistic in 2014, while the number of international tourists was growing, the number of business visitors decreased from 95 million in 2006 to 77 million in 2014. This has also brought negative impact to the occupancy rates of business hotel. Taiwan’s lodging industry is facing the repositioning challenge. In addition, with the development of internet technology, Taiwan’s lodging industry should leverage digital marketing and integrate it with O2O business model for obtaining new business opportunities. This studies suggest Taiwan’s lodging industry to integrate the cultures, technologies and any other resources between the East and the West in order to face the future competition. This study’s main focus is to analyze Taiwan’s lodging industry. While facing the existing competition from the international hotel groups and more than 9000 local businesses in the market and the new comers with more fancy and innovative designs as well as low price war strategy, this study is to suggest what Taiwan’s lodging industry should have prepared in order to face the rapid growing competition. This study is based on the practical experience of hotel operation and management to provide suggestions that might be helpful to respond to the development trend of Taiwan’s lodging industry. This study examines the market supply, business competition strategy and risks in order to give a comprehensive evaluation of the lodging industry. This study also summarizes the changes of the lodging industry and assesses the trends and challenges in the future, which provide some reference for evaluating potential opportunities and challenges to companies that are planning to invest in the lodging industry in Taiwan.


Hotel Accommodation Lodging Industry Competition Strategy Trend Challenges


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