  • 學位論文


A Study on the Business Strategies of Three Taiwan-based International Touristic Hotel Groups

指導教授 : 黃崇興 李吉仁


民國97年後受惠於政府觀光政策的開放與行銷推廣,來台觀光之旅遊團體及自由行旅客快速增加,99年開始多家大型的國際連鎖飯店品牌紛紛進駐台灣,國內平價旅館業者將各車站附近的一般老舊旅館翻新,新旅館這幾年內都陸續成立開幕,在外縣市鄉間等各地的民宿也如雨後春筍般遍地開花,旅宿業各業種的重整,造成台灣觀光產業有結構性的變化。面對市場的成長及激烈競爭,本土國際觀光旅館業者發現來自房租方面的收入差異不大,為了擴大營收,晶華、國賓、六福、寒舍、華泰等公司皆朝向多品牌與多角化之經營方式,擴充旗下子品牌及發展館外餐飲等業務。 本研究收集觀光產業之次級資料與文獻,經彙整後歸納出台灣觀光旅館產業之現況作為基礎研究資料,根據產業分析理論,提出現階段台灣國際觀光旅館產業之結構分析。以晶華國際酒店集團、國賓飯店集團及六福旅遊集團三家本土國際觀光旅館集團為例,先以個案分析法進行三家案例探討,並分析所收集之次級資料,結合專家業者訪問結果,列出各集團經營策略及其事業體之商業策略,最後透過次級資料中財務指標之驗證,評估各自經營策略之成效。 晶華國際酒店集團採取「輕資產、重管理」的經營模式,透過延伸既有品牌以滿足新的需求,在現有物業基礎上提供「品牌加值」,例如創立「Silks Place」晶英酒店與「Just sleep」捷絲旅或併購麗晶(Regent)等價值型的品牌,其全球化佈局策略吸引資本市場投資,並聚焦於飯店及餐飲市場之M型化市場。國賓飯店集團隸屬於仰德集團,採取「自地自建」的經營模式,是本土精緻旅館之代表,歷史悠久且客源穩定,業績穩定成長,副品牌策略則因主事者不同無法展現集團綜效。六福旅遊集團以六福村平台為出發點,以加盟國際品牌希冀帶動品牌國際化,然加盟國際品牌之物件卻因高額之權利金與建物租金侵蝕利潤,其過多元之品牌策略及分散之資源無法創造集團利潤,建議應聚焦於集團差異化資源。


Benefiting from the Taiwan administration’s tourism policy of opening up for China tourists and marketing campaign since 2008, many international hotel chains invest in Taiwan market to share the growing pie of this tourism industry. Meanwhile, local budget hotels also respond to this thriving by renovation the old buildings. Moreover, new brand hotels have mushroomed in the recent decade. The newly integrated tourism and hotel business also restructure the tourism industry in Taiwan. Facing the market growth and severely competition, local international touristic hotel players such as Regent, Ambassador, LeoFoo, Humble House, and Gloria utilize the strategy of multi-brand and diversification for struggling the business and boosting the revenue. This study presents frameworks about the competitive strategies structure and dynamics among three Taiwan-based international touristic hotels. Based on an extensive fieldwork and public data collection we identify industry complexity and market heterogeneity as important drivers that determine the nature and extent of competitive dynamics among FIH Regent Group, Ambassador Hotel Group and LeoFoo Tourism Group. Our analysis illustrates different business strategies respectively of these three hotel groups depending on their resources and company goals. We then discuss the comparison for the performance of strategies among these three hotel group by financial report and evaluate them in each competitive dimension for the strategy synergy. With its "light asset, heavy management" business strategy, FIH Regent Group provides "brand value addition" by extending existing brands to meet new needs in the new fields, such as the creation of high-end hotels-"Silks Place" or budget hotel-"Just sleep" or the original luxury hotel brand such as Regent. Regent implement its global strategy to attract capital market investment as a public listed company in Taiwan , and focus on both hotel and catering market inside and outside the hotels. On the other case is the Ambassador hotel group. It is a representative of local developed hotels with self-owned land assets since around 50 years ago. The second generation of the management family still struggle to introduce sub-brand strategy for the fierce completion on the island. Last, Leofoo Tourism Group strike to internationalize the brand by partnering with Westin or Courtyard. However, we can’t see the synergy of this strategy even they got a good original point of LeoFoo village business.


林桂璇 ,2007,臺灣國際觀光旅館與國際連鎖酒店集團夥伴關係維持之探討,國立臺灣大學管理學院國際企業學研究所未出版之碩士論文。
