  • 學位論文

臺灣農業人力問題之研究 -以嘉義印尼青農為例

A Study on the Agricultural Labor Force in Taiwan: The Case study of Young Indonesian Farmers in Chiayi County

指導教授 : 王俊豪


本研究之目的,在於探討瞭解印尼青農申請來台實習的原由與動機、實習工作內容、及對實習政策之反饋意見。相同的,在農場主方面,則試圖瞭解其申請參與印尼青農實習計畫的原由與動機、工作內容、與印尼青農互動之問題,及其對解決農業缺工問題之成效。本論文的研究成果,可以提供農業主管單位研擬引進青農政策的實務佐證經驗之參考。 本研究透過深度訪談方法收集資料,訪談對象為嘉義縣境內的印尼青農11人及參與實習之農場主7人。重要的研究發現,在農場主方面有:(1)農場主申請參與印尼青農計畫動機是缺工、本地工人難請、主要作物屬性的人力需求、降低勞動成本、海外市場佈局和國際競爭;(2)各農場主對其所從事的主要作物之技術屬性,定位屬於技術性的佔57.14%,部分屬於技術性的佔14.29%,非屬於技術性的佔28.57%;(3)有42.86%的農場主表示印尼青農不符合當初的期待;(4) 大部分農場主表示與印尼青農的溝通沒有問題。(5) 表示願意續約的農場主佔57.14%;(6)對印尼青農計畫的建議為實習期間應延長、政府吸納淡季農業外勞、農業外勞和印尼青農計畫搭配、印尼青農的挑選務實。 在印尼青農的訪談結果顯示:(1)申請動機以學習農業技術所佔的比率最高約六成。(2) 實習工作內容以田間管理的比率為最高,栽培技術次之。(3) 青農對各農場所提供的居住環境與期待沒有落差,且均表示非常滿意。(4)印尼青農表示願意續約者佔18.18%,不續約者,佔27.27%,不確定者佔54.55%。(5)有81.82%表示回國後會務農;(6) 對青農政策之建議:工作時間要固定、工作內容要清楚定出、各項規定要明確、工作內容與實際執行要相符。


The purpose of this study is to try to understand the motivations of Indonesian young farmers apply for internship in Taiwan, the content of internship work, and the suggestions on the internship policy for Indonesian young farmers. As for the owners of internship Farm, I tried to understand the reasons why they applied to participate in the internship program, the content of their work, the problem of interaction with young Indonesian farmers, and their suggestions for solving the shortage of agricultural labor force. This study applied in-depth interviews to collect data. The interviewees include 11 young Indonesian farmers and 7 owners of internship farm who participated in the internship in Chiayi County. The study found that in terms of owners of internship farm: (1) applied to participate in the Indonesian Youth Program the motivation for the owners of internship farm include the shortage of labor workers, the difficulty of finding local workers, the manpower requirements of the main crop attributes, the reduction of labor costs, the layout of overseas markets, and international competition; (2) Based on the positioning of technical attributes, the main crops among the internship farms are technical accounted for 57.14%, partial technical accounted for 14.29%, and non-technical accounted for 28.57%; (3) 42.86% of owners of internship farm indicated that Indonesian young farmers did not meet their original expectations; (4) most of owners of internship farm pointed out no problem on the communication with Indonesian young farmers; (5) 57.14% of owners of internship farm expressed willingness to renew the contract of internship project; (6) The suggestion for the Indonesian youth farmer internship program is that the internship period should be extended, the government should absorb off-season agricultural foreign labor, the agricultural foreign labor should be matched with the Indonesian youth farmer program, and the selection of Indonesian youth farmers should be pragmatic. Indonesian young farmers, there are: (1) the highest percentage of all application motivations is learning agricultural technology, which accounts for about 60%; (2) the content of internship is the highest in field management, followed by cultivation techniques; (3) The young farmers are very satisfied with the living environment provided by the owners of internship farm and no different from their expectations; (4) Indonesian young farmers expressed their willingness to renew the contract accounted for 18.18%, those who did not renew the contract accounted for 27.27%, and those who were uncertain accounted for 54.55%. (5) 81.82% said they would work in agriculture after returning to their country; (6) Recommendations for the young farmer policy: working hours should be fixed, work content should be clearly set out, various regulations should be clear, and work content should be consistent with actual implementation. The above findings can provide a valuable reference for the agricultural authorities to plan policies for internship of young farmers in the future. For the owners of farm who intend to join this program, the findings of this study should provide a practical manipulation reference for their future decision-making for participation in the Young Farmer Program.


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