  • 學位論文


The Effect of Temporal Distance, Brand Concept and Advertisement Message on Teaser Ads

指導教授 : 練乃華


「前導廣告」已成為近年來廣告界的新寵,在各種產品、各種品牌皆可發現其蹤跡。所謂「前導」意指為了即將要發生的事情做預告,旨在挑起消費者的興趣、好奇心、期待感,好比電影預告片一般。在時間上會早於其主要的廣告、產品上市、行銷事件等,更由於為了挑起消費者的好奇心與興趣,其能揭露的訊息相對地受限,藉以保留神祕感。 故此,本研究以Trope and Liberman(2003)提出的時間解釋理論(Temporal Construal Theory, TCT)為基礎,結合品牌概念的差異(Voss, Spangenberg, and Grohman, 2003),並進一步探討廣告訊息與品牌概念的適配性,分別設計兩組實驗。實驗一為2(時間距離近/遠)x2(功能性品牌/享樂性品牌)的多因子設計,探討時間距離與品牌概念產生的交互作用如何影響前導廣告的效果;實驗二為2(時間距離近/遠)x2(功能性品牌/享樂性品牌) x2(功能利益訴求/心理利益訴求)的多因子設計,探討在時間距離的影響下,品牌概念與廣告訊息的適配性如何影響前導廣告的效果。 本研究結果顯示,當時間距離較遠時,消費者對於享樂性品牌的廣告較為偏好,與時間解釋理論的解釋水平層級相符;其次,同樣在時間距離較遠時,消費者對於品牌概念與廣告訴求適配的前導廣告會產生較佳的產品態度,再次符合時間解釋理論提出的概念。然而,在時間距離較近時,消費者仍然偏好品牌概念與廣告訴求適配的前導廣告,故本研究提出了內部適配性與外部適配性的概念,進一步將適配性的概念提出層級之分。


Teaser advertising has been overwhelming popular recently, and it has become a favorite choice for advertising agent as well. “Teaser” means to tease the audiences in order to evoke their interest, curiosity, and possibly, cultivate their anticipation about what’s going to happen next, no matter what it might be. Therefore, as a “teaser ads”, we expected that its launch time will be earlier than the main events, and what it can say is actually quite limited, in which might only contain brand name, simple slogan and the exact date the main events will take place, in order to keep the mystery and create the curious ambience for audience. We first investigated the effect of temporal distance and different brand concepts on teaser advertising, which is based on the Temporal Construal Theory, proposed by Trope and Liberman (2003), and combine with the brand concept idea (Voss, Spangenberg, and Grohman, 2003). This study focused on under which temporal distance conditions (near future/distant future), the audience’s preference towards an teaser ads will switch from the ads presented by an utilitarian brand to a hedonic brand, and vice versa. Secondly, we add another variable into our experiment: advertising message, in order to further investigate the effect of different advertising message appeals (functional/hedonic) matches with different brand concept (utilitarian/hedonic) on teaser ads under different temporal distance conditions (near future/distance future). Result from the first experiment indicates that the teaser advertisement presented by hedonic brand is more effective under the distant future, which is corresponded with Temporal Construal Theory. Result from the second experiment indicates that the teaser ad which the message appeal matches with brand concept is more effective under the distant future, specifically, on the product attitude evoked by the teaser ads, which is corresponded with Temporal Construal Theory as well. As a matter of fact, subjects also prefer the teaser ad which message appeal matches with brand concept under the near future, especially hedonic message appeal alone with hedonic brand concept. Managerial implications are discussed.


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