  • 學位論文


A Study on the Efficiency of Home Stay Facilities Industry in Taiwan-An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 雷立芬


台灣加入WTO之後,雖然貿易自由化對本土農業造成重大的衝擊,但是也造就了農業轉型的契機。其中,農業結合觀光的概念漸漸抬頭,讓農村經濟重現希望,更促使民宿產業的產生。由於民宿產業的進入門檻低,吸引不少經營者加入,近年來,創立民宿事業更形成一股風潮,每年新加入的經營者數量不計其數。然而許多問題也一一浮現,實際上遇到經營困難的民宿經營者數量不少,加上非法民宿問題一直存在,因此引起社會高度的關注。 作為一個新興產業,民宿的定位仍然相當模糊。為了探討民宿產業的發展,令市場平衡得以維持,本研究透過利用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelope Analysis, DEA)以及Tobit迴歸模型,分析影響民宿經營效率的因素,藉此了解民宿的角色所在,給予經營者提升效率的建議。 本研究的第一階段係對2009年至2013年全台127個鄉鎮的民宿產業進行DEA分析;第二階段則透過DEA結果的效率值,加入環境因素,進行Tobit迴歸分析。本研究主要探討的問題以四大面向為主:1. 訂價與服務;2. 產業生態;3. 地域性;4. 法規。 本研究結果如下:在訂價與服務方面,「客房住用次數」、「餐飲收入與房間收入之比率」以及「平均房價」,都與效率值形成正向影響;產業生態方面,「旅館收入與民宿收入之比率」與效率值形成反向影響,「旅館員工數與民宿員工數之比率」與效率值形成正向影響;地域性方面,「東部地區」與「離島地區」的平均效率值低於其他地區;法規方面,「非法民宿房間數與合法民宿房間數之比率」與效率值形成正向影響。


Taiwan’s local agriculture has been spectacularly affected by the trade liberalization after becoming the member of WTO, however it has also delivered the opportunity of agricultural transition. The concept of integrating agriculture and tourism has been initialized, which leading the growth of home stay facilities industry. Since the criteria is letting people easily enter to the industry, the growth rate of numbers of new home stay facilities business increased year by year. But something has become serious, including the large number of inefficient businesses and illegal home stay facilities, which are now the focused issues in the society. As an emerging industry, home stay facilities’ position in tourism is not defined clearly. In order to explore the home stay facilities industry and give comment for maintaining the market equilibrium, this thesis uses Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) and Tobit Regression to find the role of Taiwanese home stay facilities in terms of efficiency. This thesis collected the data of 127 towns in 5 years (2009-2013) for DEA; In the Tobit Regression, the values from the result of DEA are as dependent variable, and the selected environmental facts are as the independent variables, including “price and service”, “industry ecosystem”, “geographies” and “Law”. The consequence as below: 1. In the “price and service” perspective, “times rooms have been rented”, “ratio of revenue from meals and revenue from rooms” and “average price” is positively affected by efficiency. 2. In “industry ecosystem” perspective, “ratio of revenue of hostel and revenue of home stay facilities” is negatively affected by efficiency; “ratio of labors of hostel and labors of home stay facilities” is positively affected by efficiency. 3. In “geographies” perspective, the “areas in eastern Taiwan” and the “islands” perform worse than others. 4. In “Law” perspective, “ratio of illegal home stay facilities and legal home stay facilities” is positively affected by efficiency.


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