  • 學位論文

台灣資訊光碟機產業產品生命週期之探討 以Q公司為例

A Study on Product Life-cycle for Taiwan Optical Disc Drive Industry - Cast Study for “Q” Company

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


本研究針對台灣科技產業演化(Evolution)之過程,從早期與日本、韓國廠商競爭,甚至產業西進後,從運用大陸人口紅利策略,短短10~20年間,產業變革,過去大陸承襲台灣經驗,並夾雜著政府力量及龐大內需市場,隨著產業面競爭之需求加劇,一波波紅色供應鏈風暴就此展開,因此產品生命週期(Product Life Cycle)隨著科技之演進而日趨短暫。由於產業帶動國家經濟發展,各國也競相投入產業環境規劃策略,使企業隨著其國家與產業競爭優勢,不斷地運用策略企圖延長其涉入相關產業之產品生命週期。 的確,科技帶來生活便利,隨著產業帶動經濟,經濟帶動消費,消費帶動需求,需求帶動科技持續發展,同時當今網路資訊普及、交通便利,科技產業之發展一日千里,新技術不斷地為服務人群而生,使企業創造新產品並投入市場。此一產品生命週期循環,即為大家所熟知之發展步驟:創新者早期採用者早期多數者晚期多數者,做為產品發展過程之模型。 當企業面對各種大環境變革,其營運決策成為企業經營績效及遷渉到公司存亡之重大關鍵。因此,企業經營如何定位其產品策略,如何產品差異化來吸引客群成為經理人之重大挑戰。本研究將從產品生命週期角度剖析產業,並舉資訊科技產業之一光碟機產業為例及個案公司之營運策略來解讀企業經營如何運用策略來延長其產品生命週期,及如何運用策略來創造企業經營之第二曲線,以進一步了解企業經營如何邁向生態之循環。


This study focuses on the evolution of Taiwan's Information Technology (IT) industry. The game of the IT industry between Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers started 10 to 20 years ago. For this kind of industry evolution, countries leveraged low labor costs in order to make their products more competitive. Now the game has been changed because China caught up with relative IT technology and manufacturing. Now China’s economy is getting stronger and has huge local demand. Nowadays, IT companies in Taiwan face competition from other IT companies and entire countries. These new kinds of competition make Product Life Cycle (PLC) shorter, and entrepreneurs must invest more during product development. Therefore, this study will focus on 3 areas of ODD development. First, this study will explain how the Taiwanese Optical Disc Drive (ODD) industry faces shorter PLC and then discovers the relation with ODD industry product management. Besides, this study will investigate what strategies are used to ODD industry when ODD competition happens at different PLC stage. Second, while the PLC approaches the end stage, company at ODD industry must consider the creative innovation for a second S curve, which is also similar to the next PLC. This research focuses on one of the top global ODD manufactures from Taiwan, the Q Company (Q). Q stopped the ODD supply chain manufacturing since Q1 of 2016 and entered the automation industry and Robot Arm Production as second curve. Lastly, this research investigates the relationship between the core competences of the ODD and Robot arm industry. This research includes product strategies from Q and how Q managements face competition and second S curve evolution.


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