  • 學位論文


Study on Migration of Paramisgurnus dabryanus through Corrugated High-Density Polyethylene Fishways

指導教授 : 張文亮


大鱗副泥鰍 (Paramisgurnus dabryanus),是一種全台灣很常見的淡水魚但與其相關資訊卻十分稀少。他屬於鰍科,居於稻田之中又時常被錯認為泥鰍(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)。大鱗副泥鰍利用稻田繁殖育苗也從中獲取食物,換句話說,稻田也屬於它們生命週期的一部分。由於現代排水系統的改良,水田、灌溉溝渠和小溪之間的連接已沒了,而魚類種群的數目也開始下降。因此,魚道的出現就是為了重現這些特徵之間的連接。此研究所選用的魚道材料為高密度波浪型聚乙烯管,一種便宜又簡易使用的管子。此實驗的目的是建立魚道以及尋找管道放置角度和排放的最佳組合範例,大鱗副泥鰍為研究的目標種類。在此研究當中,嘗試使用不同管道角度以及排放位置來找出最適當的組合,發現到不同的角度、不同斜率、性別及年齡皆會影響魚遷移地成功率。之後,這個實驗被測試於台灣宜蘭元善區的大湖農田之中,發現無論是在室內的實驗當中或者在田地實驗當中,泥鰍都能夠成功地在上游遷移。


Paramisgurnus dabryanus also known as the Chinese loach (Lin et al. 1991), is a common fresh water fish that can be found all around Taiwan but little information is known from it. It belongs to the Cobitidae family, can be found habiting paddy fields and is usually mixed and confused with the Misgurnus anguillicadatus. Loaches uses paddy fields to reproduce, nursery ground and obtain food, in other words paddy fields are part of their life cycle. Due to the modern drainage systems, the connection between paddy fields, irrigation ditches and creeks has been lost. As a result of this, the population of fish started to decline. In order to restore back the connection between this features, a fishway is needed. The fishway material chosen for this study was that of corrugated high-density polyethylene pipe or HDPE pipe, a cheap and easy to use kind of pipe. The purpose of this experiment is to provide the best combination of angles and discharges to build a fishway using corrugated HDPE pipe having Paramisgurnus dabryanus as the target species. During this experiment, fishes where tested in a variety of angles and discharges to see which combination suited them the most. It was found in this experiment that different angles, different slopes, gender and age class had influence on the success percentage. After this, the experiment was taken and tested in the field at Taiwan, Yilan County, Yuan-shan district, Dahu area. The loaches were successful for the upstream migration during the indoor experiment as well as the field experiment.


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