  • 學位論文


Intelligent system for lower limb rehabilitation

指導教授 : 趙福杉


人口高齡化是目前台灣面臨的重要問題,而其所導致的失能人口增加更是造成社會負擔的主因。失能人口中又以中風居多,占了兩成以上,透過復健治療可以有效改善中風患者的生活機能並降低社會負擔。針對中風後導致的下肢偏癱患者,主要有三種下肢復健模式,分別為被動復健、主動助力復健及主動阻力復健。治療師會根據患者狀況從被動復健治療一路變成主動阻力治療,以改善患者狀況。由本實驗室郭星晧學長所開發之可程式下肢動作復健系統以躺姿的方式協助患者完成被動復健,然其缺乏主動復健之功能,而主動復健為改善患者恢復的重要因素。 本研究以郭星晧學長之第一代下肢復健裝置為基礎,透過力量回饋方式完成主動復健之功能。藉由感測患者進行下肢運動時,伸腳及抬腳動作所施的力,提供系統所需資訊,以此調整系統施予不同程度的助力及阻力給患者,達成主動復健療程。 本研究目前完成一下肢復健之智能系統軟體及硬體架構,透過自製電路板控制要進行的復健模式及得到所需之資訊,其力量感測器已校正且可順利量測使用者在使用此系統時的力量,並且自動調整系統之施力,以完成預定之復健模式。


The aging of the population is an important issue in Taiwan, and then ,the increase in disabled population is a huge burden. Among the disables, strokes are the largest proportion, accounting for more than 20%. Through rehabilitation treatment, we can effectively improve the living quality of stroke patients. To treat stroke patients with hemiplegia, there are three types of lower limb rehabilitation modes: passive rehabilitation, active assisted rehabilitation and active resisted rehabilitation. The therapist will change from passive rehabilitation to active resisted rehabilitation based on the patient's condition. The programmable rehabilitation system for lower limb motion developed by Kuo assists patients in passive rehabilitation in a lying position, However, it lacks the function of active rehabilitation. The active rehabilitation is an important mode for patients recovery. Based on the Kuo’s system, this study implemented the function of active rehabilitation by force feedback. By sensing the force exerted from the patient during the lower limb movement, the necessary information is input to the system, thereby the system adjusting different degrees of assistance or resistance to the patient to complete the active rehabilitation treatment. This study is currently built in with the intelligent system software for lower limb rehabilitation, through the home-made circuit to control the rehabilitation mode and get the essential information. The force sensors have been calibrated and it can measure the force of the user, and then automatically adjust the system to apply the force to complete the predetermined rehabilitation mode.


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5.衛生福利部中央健康保險署指標說明, “缺血性或出血性中風病人住院期間或出院後四個月內接受復健服務比率”.

