  • 學位論文


Transnational Legal Process of Refugee Protection Under European Convention on Human Rights

指導教授 : 張文貞


難民議題自20世紀發展至今,在難民形成的原因、多元行動者的回應,以及國際人權規範所能提供的權利保護方面,歷經了數次轉變。然《難民地位公約》及《1967年議定書》所奠定的難民資格,極具時代意義,已無法妥善解決當今的難民問題。考量國際人權規範的發展與差異,本文以《歐洲人權公約》下難民保護的規範化進程為研究對象,其中以歐洲人權法院的個人申訴機制為觀察重心,附帶討論歐洲理事會會員國與歐盟的邊境管制實務及規範政策,並側重非國家行動者的參與,探討多元行動者如何形塑的《歐洲人權公約》下的難民保護。 本文發現,關於難民在前進歐洲的旅途中所遭遇的人權困境,《歐洲人權公約》已能詳細地回應。而歐洲由多元規範體系覆蓋,歐洲人權法院對《歐洲人權公約》於難民保護的詮釋,經常牽涉多重規範體系下的國家義務問題。面對不同的規範體系,歐洲人權法院表現出不同態度,對於歐盟法規範的解釋與適用相當積極。本文於文末歸納歐洲難民保護的司法策略與特色。本文發現,歐洲人權法院十分重視難民的脆弱性,在《歐洲人權公約》與其他國際規範間適用關係的詮釋上,更展現出歐洲所獨有的人權價值。而歐洲人權法院作為有效的對話機制,行動者之間的價值衝突在其中持續辯論,發展出當今《歐洲人權公約》的難民保護。


The issue of refugee has undergone several changes since the 20th century in the reasons for the formation of refugees, the dynamic of transnational actors, and the development in international human rights law. The refugee status established by the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol is of great significance to the times, and it is unable to solve the refugee issues over the last decades. Considering the trend of development in international human rights law, the Thesis observes the transnational legal process of refugee protection under the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter “ECHR”), focusing on the individual application mechanism of the European Court of Human Rights. With the aim to observe the legal process, the Thesis references the border control practices and policies of the members of the Council of Europe and the European Union (hereinafter “EU”), and emphasizes the participation of non-state actors, to analyze how these transnational actors shape the refugee protection under the ECHR. This Thesis submits that the ECHR is able to respond to the dilemma encountered by refugees during their journey to Europe. As most contracting states are members of other legal systems, the Court’s interpretation of the ECHR on refugee issue often involves the conflicts of state obligations. In this regard, the Court actively demonstrates its views on EU law. At the end of the Thesis, I analyze the judicial strategies and characteristics of refugee protection under the ECHR. This Thesis finds that the Court places great emphasis on the vulnerability of refugees, and demonstrates the unique human rights value of Europe. As an effective dialogue mechanism, the Court, together with the continuing debate between transnational actors, has developed the refugee protection under the ECHR.


Lech Garlicki(演說),翁燕菁(譯)(2011)。〈歐洲人權法院與「評斷餘地」原則─人權事務中尚存幾分國家裁量空間?〉,收於:中央研究院法律學研究所(編),《2010行政管制與行政爭訟》,頁97-128。臺北:新學林。
