  • 學位論文


A Study on Development Strategy of SoLoMo Based Operation System for Multinational Corporations

指導教授 : 游張松
共同指導教授 : 林世銘(Suming Lin)


隨著網路、電腦、通訊與電子科技的融合與演進,人們對速度的倚賴與期待越來越高。因為社交網路和行動科技效應而產生SoLoMo這個新名詞。SoLoMo是三種概念應用,即:Social(社交)、Local(適地)、Mobile(行動)。透過社群網路及行動裝置發展出的相關科技,以連結適當的人、時、地、事、物資訊。SoLoMo科技發展已影響人類行為並造成社會變遷。所衍生的科技與產品已從個人應用滲透至社會、商業、政治等活動。這股趨勢也正在改變未來企業經營管理的型態與方法。 跨國企業就如同一個小的世界,面對快速變化的市場與全球化佈局,跨國企業面臨行銷效率、溝通協調、知識經驗分享、客戶服務等需求。企業運用SoLoMo概念建立營運系統平台正可提供行銷、溝通、分享及服務需求的解決方案。社交概念讓跨國企業溝通資訊同步即時。行動概念使社交概念更具機動性。適地性概念結合社交及行動裝置的模式讓行銷更有效率、服務更貼近市場。 跨國企業SoLoMo模式營運系統架構發展策略乃運用SoLoMo概念四個元素:即網頁頁面、塗鴉牆、資料庫及行動裝置建構而成。藉由SoLoMo模式營運系統平台,企業的利益關係人,如員工、客戶、供應商、股東及社會等皆可更有效率溝通協調與完成任務。企業營運有效率、內外部資源充分利用,終將挹注企業效益。


As the progress and integration of internet, computer and telecommunication technologies evolve, people have higher expectation for speed. The term, SoLoMo, was invented followed by the popularity of mobile technology and social network. It contains three concepts in Social, Local and Mobile applications and links information concerning relevant people, time, venues, events and objects. SoLoMo technologies have impacted the world and changed people’s behavior. Applications of new SoLoMo derived business models and opportunities are increasing and noticeable. It could also change the management models of multinational corporations. Technologies are changing rapidly and the business environment is heading towards globalization. Multinational corporations need to be oriented to the quick movement and improve efficiencies of marketing, communication, knowledge sharing and customer service style. The conceptual SoLoMo operation system provides solutions to cope with the requirements. SoLoMo based operation system is composed of 4 elements, i.e. company web, bulletin board, database and mobile device. Through the integrated platform, all the stakeholders can improve efficiency in communicating, knowledge sharing, marketing and customer service. SoLoMo based system improves efficiency and makes all related resources of a corporation well used, of which will eventually turn to actual beneficial results.


[ Kirkpatrick] 2010, David Kirkpatrick, the Facebook EFFECT, New York: Simon & Schuster
[AnasonAlex-1] 2012, AnsonAlex.com (網站), Apple Sales Statistics http://ansonalex.com/infographics/apple-sales-statistics-2012-infographic/
[AnsonAlex.com-2] 2012, AnasonAlex.com (網站), Facebook User Statistics
[AnsonAlex.com-3] 2011, AnasonAlex.com (網站), Worldwide Twitter
