  • 學位論文


Research on Innovative Business Model of System Integration Company – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 詹文男 尚孝純


本研究是以系統整合公司創新商業模式之研究為實際研究案例,藉由Osterwalder & Pigneur (2012)定義商業模式的九個要素,包含「目標客層」、「價值主張」、「通路」、「顧客關係」、「收益流」、「關鍵資源」、「關鍵夥伴」、「關鍵活動」以及「成本結構」,再以個案公司為例,探討產業環境發展現況,透過相關文獻資料收集及與個案公司有相關的人物訪談的結果,再透過分析步驟,就可了解從過去佔有優勢的系統整合商的角色,經由產業環境變化及企業經營狀況、目標、願景的訂定不同,既有的商業模式已經倒致營運陷入瓶頸,將透過本文探討分析新的商業營運模式,以提供高層做為未來營運參考。 本文先說明A公司在這二十年間的成長轉變,並透過這期間外在產業變化的分析,包含台灣產業環境(PEST)、及所在產業分析(五力分析)、及與客戶之間的微妙變化;再就企業內部的競爭優劣勢(SWOT)做一分析及盤點;在內、外部的分析比較後,訂定未來的創新商業模式。 以人為主的系統整合商相較於其他產業,所要面對的挑戰更嚴苛,如何創造一個心(薪)甘情願的環境,如何再造企業的核心競爭力,期望本研究能提供A公司在組織尚能因應產業的變動而調整,也積極培養同仁的第二專長,才能在面對激烈競爭的外部環境下,逐一面對及克服。


This research takes the research of System Integration Company's Innovative Business Model as an actual research case, and uses Osterwalder & Pigneur (2012) to define nine elements of a business model, including 「Customer Segments」, 「Value Proposition」, "Channels」, 「Customer Relationships」, 「Revenue Streams」, 「Key Resources」, 「Key Partners」, 「Key Activities」, and 「Cost Structure」, and then take the case company as an example to discuss the development status of the industrial environment, collect relevant documents and communicate with the case company With the results of interviews with relevant people, and through the analysis steps, we can understand the role of System Integrators who had an advantage in the past. Through changes in the industrial environment and the establishment of different business conditions, goals and visions, the existing business models for operation have been fallen into a bottleneck. Through this article, we will discuss and analyze the new business operation model, so as to provide the senior management as a reference for future operations。 This article first explains the growth and transformation of company A in the past two decades, and through the analysis of external industry changes during this period, including Taiwan's industrial environment (PEST), and industry analysis (Five Forces Analysis), and the subtleties between customers Changes; then make an analysis and inventory of the internal competitive advantages and disadvantages (SWOT) of the enterprise; after the internal and external analysis and comparison, formulate the future innovative business model. Compared with other industries, people-oriented system integrators face more severe challenges. How to create a willing environment and how to rebuild the core competitiveness of enterprises. It is hoped that this research can provide Company A with information. Only when the organization can adjust in response to changes in the industry and actively cultivate the secondary expertise of colleagues can they face and overcome one by one in the face of fierce competition in the external environment.


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