  • 學位論文


Research of Business Model Transformation of Startup Company – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol W. Hsu)


在全球經濟波動劇烈、人口結構改變以及新科技加速變革等多重因素下,各國政府、民間組織與大眾對於創業精神的重視程度日益增加,因此,產生了新一波創業浪潮。然而,新創公司與團隊在市場開發早期,常因營運模式不夠精實,在面對市場重大變化或營運績效不如預期時,未能適時掌握產業趨勢與關鍵因素,適時修正公司商業模式與推出因應對策,而使公司無法度過創業死亡之谷而提早結束。逐步探索與優化商業模式,幾乎是每個新創企業必須學習的課題。在實務上亦是如此,新創公司投入市場也必須歷經反覆測試的過程,甚至退出原本設定的市場,另外尋找新的市場或營運模式。因此,本研究基於前述背景,期望透過新創公司尋找商業模式的過程,瞭解新創事業常見的轉型現象。 本研究以新創企業為主體,探討企業藉由重新審視產業關鍵因素與企業本身資源能耐,以及分析商業模式轉型前後的差異,找到適合新創企業最契合市場的商業模式。個案公司原為雲端運算公司,主要經營雲服務及雲建置,以自行開發之雲端桌面虛擬化架構產品在台灣市場推展銷售。然而,在產業與關鍵因素評估後,發現雲端運算服務市場為國際資訊大廠寡占市場,台灣中小型雲端廠商幾乎沒有發展空間。而以物聯網為基礎的智慧家庭的快速發展,新創公司可採取特定利基市場創新產品策略,運用本身優勢,在智慧安全DIY垂直應用利基市場上,以創新產品與付得起的選擇,分得成長中的市場份額。此類破壞式創新的策略帶給新創公司新的轉型契機。


Most government and private sectors pay attention on "entrepreneurship" under the economic fluctuation, demographic change, and new technology evolution. So, the entrepreneur activities are growing rapidly in recent years. However, new start up teams often suffers poor revenue income, fail into the chasm, and missing strategic goals from an unsolid business model. Thus, to explore and modify a proper business model could be an important issue to new ventures. Based on the background, this study tends to find approaches for new ventures from business model exploration. This study employed a case study to analyze the business model in terms of key success factors and core competences. The differences between old and new business models are also addressed. In the developmental context of A company, the cloud service and virtual desktop products are aborted instead of IoT based development. That is, A company pursue a niche market in smart home DIY area, to prevent strong competition among cloud giants. The affordable product seems to be disruptive innovation strategy to capture possible market opportunities for new ventures.


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