  • 學位論文


On the Development Strategies of a Start-up Business the Case of A Company

指導教授 : 廖咸興


從後起之秀白手起家,在夾縫中求生存,如何使自己從小蝦米蛻變成小鯨魚,而小鯨魚又如何對抗大白鯊,克服障礙使企業站穩腳步取得挑戰優勢,進而成為產業中的隱形冠軍企業,並積極發展向全球化目標前進,選對產品與市場及策略之應用是企業成功及站穩灘頭堡之發展要素。 台灣之中小企業是創造台灣經濟奇蹟及經濟發展之力量,新創事業之創業家在過程中所面臨無數之危機、困境及不確定之風險因素,除了需有堅強之毅力與冷靜之思維,分析困境要點,更需以應用策略化解困境,突破瓶頸將危機化為轉機。 本研究,檢視各主要新創事業重要之策略理論:包含價值主張、商業模式、策略基本理論、競爭策略與創業成功因素。並進行汽車產業分析:包含全球汽車市場、各主要車廠之動態、汽車零組件之產業。分析個案公司各階段之發展與發展策略並以個案公司來總合新創事業之關鍵成功因素。


林詩芸 新創事業


From the rising star start from scratch, how to survive in the cracks,how to make themselves from small shrimp into small whales,and how to fight the small whales and white sharks,to overcome obstacles to the firm to gain a competitive advantage,and then become the industry's stealth champion business, and And actively develop the goal of globalization, the selection of products and markets and the application of the strategy is the success of enterprises and the stability of the beachhead development elements. Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises are the power to create Taiwan's economic miracle and economic development. The entrepreneur of the new business is faced with numerous crises, dilemmas and uncertain risk factors in the process. In addition to the strong perseverance and calmness, Dilemma, so how to apply the strategy to resolve the dilemma,break through the bottleneck will turn the crisis into a turn. This study examines the important strategies of the major new business: the theory of value proposition, business model, strategy basic theory, competitive strategy and entrepreneurial success factors. And the automotive industry analysis: including the global automotive market, the main car of the dynamic, auto parts industry. Analyze the development and development strategies of the various stages of the case company and take the case company as a key success factor in bringing together the business.


After Market Car Shih-Yung Lin


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