  • 學位論文


Discussion on Innovation Strategy of Small Firms: The Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 林博文


在成熟、老化、均衡的食品容器市場,80%的市占已被各大廠瓜分佔據,剩餘的20%才由小廠分食。大廠憑藉著經濟規模與成本優勢,以壓低售價策略搶奪市占率,而小廠則以客製化與靈活度在市場中立足,雙方共同架構起穩定的市場供給面;但若發生諸如黑犀牛的突發事件時,則正是市場重新洗牌的機會。若小廠相對包袱小、靈活度夠,就有機會重新定義市場的遊戲規則。 本研究探討小型食品容器包材廠(個案公司)如何在外送平台興起,以及新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的黑犀牛事件發生背景下,善用其靈活度與包袱小的優勢。在諾大的食品容器包材市場衡量本身的條件與優勢,採取聚焦在可微波食品容器做為進入便利商店產業鏈突破點。並採取創新功能微波食品容器設計的差異化策略,開發出「免拆封微波防溢漏食品容器」,並取得中華民國與日本專利,重新定義可微波食品容器市場規則:不再是以價格為導向,而是以功能、消費者思考做為導向。 本研究以TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)的觀念做為創新主軸,衡量創新帶所給顧客的總效益,即使高於市價來採購個案公司的產品,對總效益而言成本反而是下降。再由創新的三大面向來探討:(1)Osterwalder and Pigneur的「商業模式圖」9個關鍵要素與價值主張圖(Value Proposition Canvas);(2)IDEO的創辦人暨董事長大衛凱利(David Kelley)所提的HCD(Human Centered Design)以人為本的設計邏輯,來解析免拆封微波與防溢漏食品容器如何發散與收斂;(3)再由管理大師彼得杜拉克(Peter Drucker)的《創新與創業精神(Innovation and Entrepreneurship)》,與哈佛商學院資深副教授威廉沙曼(William Sahlman)在《創業風險(The Entrepreneurial Venture)》中的「POCD架構」(People, Opportunity, Context, Deal)為工具,探討個案公司的成功策略。 最後希望個案公司的成功案例能帶給同為台灣傳統食品包材市場的中小企業一些啟發,共同以解決消費者痛點的設計取勝,創造價值的正向與健康的競爭,進一步架構起新的正向生態圈,不同於以往用價格做導向的負面循環,並把台灣食品包材的創新設計能力推往全世界,共創共榮!


Large companies occupy 80% of the market share of the food container market characterized by mature, aging, and stable dominant players and the remaining 20% is shared by crowded small ones. With the advantages of the economic scale and cost, large companies dominate the market share with lower pricing strategies, while the small ones stand up in the market with customized service and flexibility. As such, both parties can build a stable supply-side market; but if the event such as Grey Rhino events takes place, it is an opportunity for the market share competition to reshuffle. If small companies have relatively small burdens and sufficient flexibility, they will have the opportunity to redefine the game rules in the market. This study explores how small food container packaging companies can take advantage of their flexibility and small burden in the context of the emergence of delivery platforms and the grey rhino incident of COVID-19. By evaluating its own conditions and advantages in the food container packaging market, the case company adopted and focused on microwaveable food containers as a breakthrough point for entering the convenience store industry chain. Coming up with differentiated strategies of innovative functional microwave food container design and developing the "opening-free microwave spill-proof food container", the company obtained patents from the Republic of China and Japan and redefined the market rules for microwaveable food containers: no longer based on price, but functionality and consumer experience as the orientation. This study uses the concept of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) as the main innovation to measure the aggregated benefits that can bring to customers. Even if purchasing from the case company’s products, which are priced higher than the average market price, the cost turns out to be lower considering the overall benefits they can bring. Then, we will discuss the three aspects of innovation: (1) Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Diagram 9 key Elements and Value Proposition Canvas; (2) The human-centered design logic (HCD) proposed by David Kelley, IDEO founder and chairman, is used to analyze how the unpacking-free microwave and spill-proof food containers diverge and converge; (3) Innovation Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker and POCD (People, Opportunity, Context, Deal) proposed by William Sahlman in The Entrepreneurial Venture are also adopted as tools to explore the successful strategies of the case company. Lastly, we hope that the successful case of the case company can bring some inspirations to the small and medium-sized traditional food packaging enterprises in Taiwan and together design goods that aim for solving consumers’ problems, creating a positive and healthy competition for common value, instead of using traditional price-oriented business strategies. More importantly, we hope to promote Taiwanese innovative food packaging designs to the world and create long-lasting prosperity.


Food container TCO Business model HCD POCD architecture


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2. 畢國樑、廖舜茹譯,2003,創業風險,台北:知識風。Sahlman, W. A., Stevenson, H. H., Roberts, M. J. and Bhide, A.,1999,The Entrepreneurial Venture, Harvard Business School Press.
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