  • 學位論文


A Study of Industry Transformation Strategy - a case study Company A

指導教授 : 李正文


企業在全球化競爭的環境下,產業變動快速,尤其是電子產業,電子產品的生命週期短暫,在產業結構轉變的危機衝擊下,能否迅速及時調整企業轉型的策略跟上世界的潮流成為企業永續發展的關鍵,企業若能快速察覺且順應環境變化,強化自身核心能力,貼近市場脈動,整合上游供應鏈,了解下游客戶端需求,增強供應鏈的效率,克服轉型後的困難,就能即時回應市場需求,使企業穩定成長,永續經營。 個案公司以系統代工模式出發,客戶皆是國際知名大廠,但因產業變動快速讓個案公司面臨訂單減少出貨量急遽下滑,面對這種產業變化,個案公司急需尋找新產業,讓企業轉型開發新產品,以做到維持獲利與提高競爭力永續經營,本研究探討企業轉型過程之策略研究,希望了解個案公司在發展過程面臨到的企業轉型的動態歷程,並歸類出以下結論: 1.相機模組產業關鍵的成功因素為研發與製程能力,其中影像演 算法與自動化生產調校為重點項目。 2.歸納個案分析企業的競爭優勢,轉型策略,與短期、長期,    的問題解決方案。 3.提供建議給其他想進入相機模組相關產業的公司一個參考    依據,以及有可能會碰到的問題風險以及俱備的競爭優勢。


In the world of globalization, where global markets change rapidly, industries are transforming in a fast pace to cope with challenges of continuous changes. In the electronic industry, where product life is short, a company's ability to discern structural changes and market trend, and to adjust with appropriate strategies are essentials to a company's sustainable development. A company seeking stable growth and sustainable development shall have Insights to market trends, abilities to integrate supply chains, highly efficient supply chains, quick response to customer needs, and the ability to overcome transform difficulties. In this thesis, I analyzed an electronic company's transformation process, and strategies it adopted to struggle through challenges. The case company was a system ODM, manufacturing products for international brand names. In the climate of globalization, market changed fast, and the company faced drastic drop of order. In order to withstand fast changes, the company needs to transformed promptly in order to provide new products to market, so that higher profit can be created, stronger competitiveness will be formed and eventually lead to sustainable development. By this study, I have come to below conclusions: 1. The keys to success of a camera module company are capability of research and development, and among them, image algorism and auto calibration are the most important ones. 2. Competitiveness strength, transformation strategy and solutions for short term and long term development challenges. 3. This company’s experience can be a good reference model for other companies interested in camera module industry.


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