  • 學位論文


An Application of Activity Theory and Experience Marketing on the Construction of an Exercise Environment for Seniors

指導教授 : 康正男


為面對快速老化的改變與衍生的議題,如老人照護、醫療問題等,臺灣需要學習日本、芬蘭等老化成功的國家,藉由健康促進的策略,逐步改善高齡族群與日俱增而出現的社會問題。因此,探討何為高齡者實際的運動需求,為其規劃合適的運動環境非常重要。故本研究的目的為(1)探討高齡者的運動參與現況與需求,及對運動設施的使用選擇因素(2)應用活動理論與體驗行銷模型於高齡者運動設施之規劃。而本研究以深度訪談法(In-depth Interview)對9位高齡相關產業業者,與18位65歲以上之高齡者進行資料蒐集,共計27人,從供需雙方的看法了解高齡者的運動參與現況、需求,及對運動設施的使用選擇因素。結果發現高齡者於生活型態、偏好與選用運動設施的選擇因素皆與一般大眾有不同的考量,如運動頻率高、運動時段多為早上等,本研究亦根據訪談結果,應用活動理論與體驗行銷模型提出了活動的架構及設施、服務的規劃建議,如建議營造高齡主題的環境氛圍、提供解決問題導向的課程設計等。設計的思維能帶給管理者更多想法,如從功能、情感等層面思考場館與服務的設計,進而塑造良好的體驗,也是未來的趨勢。因此,建議未來研究者能將設計、心理學等專業知識結合相關主題進行探討,以跨領域的角度分析,將可能有特別的發現。


In order to face the rapid change and problems such as care of the elderly, burden of medical care, Taiwan have to find out the most efficient strategy. There are more and more researches showed that exercise could bring benefits to the elderly both in physical and mental. Furthermore, it could also improve above problems. Therefore, how to create a friendly exercise environment for senior is an important issue in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to(1)discuss the needs of the elderly in sports participation, and the selection factors for the use of sports facilities.(2)apply Activity Theory and Experience Marketing to senior sports facilities. This study used an in-depth interview to collect data from 9 senior industry-related industries manager and 18 elderly people over the age of 65, totaling 27 people. The study found that the factors of the elderly in life style and opinion of choosing sports facilities have different considerations from the public. For example, the exercise frequency of the elderly is high, and the exercise periods are mostly in the morning. This research also based on activity theory and experience marketing model providing advices such as creating an atmosphere for senior and providing problem-oriented curriculum. Design thinking could bring different idea to researchers. It’s also a trend of future. Therefore, researchers could connect design, psychology, and other professional with related topics in the future. They may have some different findings.


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