  • 學位論文


Study of Relations between the Elderly Institution and Community Activity

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


臺灣地區已經邁向高齡化的時代,由於社會的變遷以及現代高齡者需求的不同,本研究希望透過安養機構與社區空間使用者的調查,能夠初步的了解安養機構與社區的互動有那些類型?能夠讓往後的高齡者住宅型態,呈現出與周圍環境互動的可能性,讓高齡者安養機構在社區中再也不是一個獨立的個體。 本研究以現有設立於社區的老人公寓為對象進行調查,以瞭解老人公寓與社區環境兩者互動的關係,其調查內容以「高齡者與社區環境;社區居民與老人公寓」互動所產生之活動為研究目標,以探討高齡者與社區居民,在社區環境中兩者的關係與活動的性質,人對於環境的設施或空間有所瞭解後,就可以選擇適合自己接近的場所與可參加使用的設施去產生活動,以人對於環境之「意象性Imageability」、「可及性Accessibility」、「使用性Usability」對人與環境相關之內容來做探討,以在環境上兩者互動的情況與未來安養機構的功能來做一並說明。 根據研究結果顯示,老人公寓高齡者與社區居民在鄰里活動之分析在互動上有分「良好的鄰里互動區域」與「缺乏互動的鄰里區域」,由意象性方面所指的是鄰里的環境;在接近性方面的問題是在鄰里的設施部份;在可用性方面所探討的問題以活動之可用性與活動空間部份,將問題分析並提出相關建議。高齡者因為本身的健康問題會影響到對環境的熟悉度會對鄰里活動有所選擇,而鄰里所給予的機能多寡對於高齡者是重要的,機能性多的鄰里一方面可以提供給高齡者有活動的地方,另一方面也可以增加與社區居民的互動,讓老人公寓與高齡者存在鄰里不是孤立的一員,而社區居民也可以多瞭解老人公寓,以達互動、互助之目的。


Taiwan already stepped to the elderly time, as a result of society's vicissitude as well as the modern elders demand difference, according to the investigation about the elderly institution and the community space user, we could understand what kind of types are the elderly institution and the community's interaction in the first step. It could present the elders institution types present the environment interactions possibility in the future. This study about the elderly institution that take the existing establishment to the community to carry on the investigation as the object. By means of this, we could understand both the elderly institution and the community environment how to interactions . The investigations “elders and community environment ; the community inhabitants and the elderly institution” and this two interactions relations are the study aims, we will discuss the two interactions situations in the environment and the elderly institution’s function in the future. According to the findings, in the elderly apartment elders and community inhabitants neighborhood activity analysis as follows: In the imageability aspect, it refers to the neighborhood environment; The accessibility aspect , it is the neighborhood facility; In the usability aspect , we discuss usability of activity and active space. We’ll analyze and propose some suggestions. Because the elders itself healthy questions can affect environment familiar, they have different choices about neighborhood activity. It is also important that how much function the neighborhood provide. On the one hand, neighborhood have more functions can provide a lot of space to the elders, on the other hand, it also can increase the interactions .The elderly institution and the elders aren’t isolated in the neighborhood ,and the community inhabitants also could understand the elderly institution to attain the goal of interactions and cooperations.


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