  • 學位論文


Electronic Connector Industry Business Strategy- The Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


本研究所要探討的題目為電子連接器產業之競爭策略。隨著資訊科技的突飛猛進,這個世界變得越來越需要連結,從住家透過網際網路連接物聯網裝置(IOT)到雲端資料庫(Cloud)、智慧工廠(Smart Factory)中的精密生產設備間傳輸資料與電力、自動駕駛汽車在移動間互相感應連接、遠距醫療透過5G低延遲快速資料連接等等越來越多的創新科技,電子連接器扮演著在這些創新科技應用中至關重要的元件,對於整個科技產業的發展具有相當重要的基礎性。因此電子連接器產業是一個非常重要而且是不可或缺的,是一個非常值得深入探討的主題。 電子連接器產業趨勢是廣受重視的,全世界有非常多的廠商投入,經過數十年的發展,所面臨的第一個挑戰是成長趨緩,產業中透過併購已經很明顯大者恆大,這裡面隱含了非常多的經驗跟規模經濟等等的因素,產業的競爭是非常激烈的,如此競爭激烈加上資訊科技不斷的創新改變,所以在這產業裡面去擬定出競爭策略,是這個產業不可或缺重要的議題。 本研究從全球電子連接器的產業面探討,分析了本產業在主要應用市場未來成長驅動力所帶來的機會與挑戰,並透過競爭策略擬定程序,以個案A公司為例,在確立了公司目標後,利用競爭策略的各種工具,透過本研究的內外部分析過程,分析出適合於A公司的策略,建立競爭優勢。並進一步也考量了A公司的資源及能力、以及優先順序,提出了最適宜推行的策略建議。


The subject of this research is the competition strategy of the electronic connector industry. With the rapid advancement of information technology, the world has become more and more connected. Such as connecting your IoT device from home via the Internet to cloud, transfering data and power between precision production equipments in a smart factory, autonomous cars connecting in motion, telemedicine through 5G low-latency fast data connection and more and more innovative technologies. The electronic connector plays a small but vital component in these innovative technology applications and has a very important foundation for the development of the entire technology industry. Therefore, the electronic connector industry is a very important and indispensable topic that is worthy of further study. The electronic connector industry trend is widely valued. There are a lot of manufacturers from all over the world. After decades of development, the first challenge is slowing growth. Through mergers and acquisitions in the industry, it is already obvious that the big ones get bigger. There are a lot of factors such as experience, patent and economies of scale. The industry is so highly competitive along with constant innovation and change in information technology. Therefore, how to develop a competition strategy in this industry is an essential and important topic. This study explores the industrial aspects of the global electronic connector industry, analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought about by the industry's future growth driving forces in the main application markets. Through a strategy planning procedure with company A as an example and use the various strategy analysis tools to analyze and develop a competitive strategy suitable for the company A. The study also further considers the company’s resources and capabilities, as well as its priorities, proposed the most appropriate strategic recommendations.


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