  • 學位論文


Post Pandemic Enterprise Digital Transformation-A Case Study of Tradition Connector Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情於2020年初席捲全球,隨著疫情的快速擴散與防疫社交距離指引的相關措施,全球近一半的人口處於室內生活,人們的行為被強制改變,無法像往常一樣隨意自由地在街道上走動,對於消費者的工作、社交、飲食、醫療行為、購物行為等無疑產生了巨大的改變,而此行為模式的轉換,也促進科技的創新及加速了許多產業的數位轉型。   全新數位時代的來臨,也帶動著消費行為的轉變,傳統產業若繼續墨守成規儼然會成為時代的眼淚。故本文主要探討傳統產業進行數位化轉型,透過數位科技打造全新的消費路徑,以及傳統產業面對數位轉型之內部與外部窘境。本研究選取一家傳產連接器為個案,採用質性個案研究法分析,以人員訪談與實地觀察蒐集資料。本研究發現,受到Covid-19疫情影響,許多客戶轉以數位的方式進行瀏覽、搜尋所需要的產品,而訪問的個案透過創新的購買的過程,使用客戶可自行挑選產品,客製化的服務過程再進而透過AR沉浸式的消費體驗,著重於用完整的消費服務體驗取代乏味的產品買賣,即時性的產生客製的規格及報價,也可立即性的下單安排出貨,一條龍的服務,提供的不再僅是產品實體的本身,而是效用及感受,提高客戶再次購買行為,此一數位轉型也協助舊組織將疫情下的危機轉化為公司創新的新助力。


The COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world in early 2020. With the rapid spread of the pandemic and anti-pandemic related measures such as social distancing guides, nearly half of the global population is living indoors. People’s behaviors have been forced to change, unable to move freely in the streets like they used to. Huge changes have undoubtedly taken place, including consumer work, social, diet, medical practices, shopping behavior, etc. This behavioral model conversion has also promoted technological innovation and has accelerated digital transformation across many industries. A sample company’s manufacturing procedures which are within the category of traditional industries was selected as the case study. The qualitative case study method was adopted to carry out analysis, and data was collected through interviews with personnel and field observations. The findings show that due to the impact of COVID-19, many customers chose to utilize digital means to browse and search for the products they want. The case study interviews let customers select products through an innovative purchase process. The customized service processes further focused on complete consumption service experiences in place of monotonous product trading through AR immersive consumption experiences. Through one-stop services of instantly generating customized specifications and quotations, as well as immediate order placement and shipping arrangements, it is more than just the physical products but effectiveness and feelings that enhance customers repurchase behaviors. This digital transformation also assists existing organizations in turning a crisis under the pandemic into an innovational boost for the company.


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