  • 學位論文


Cross-Strait Local Governance of Business-Recruitment: A Comparison of Taoyuan and Suzhou

指導教授 : 趙永茂


在全球化與分權化的時代脈絡下,地方政府為能保有經濟競爭力,並解決地方財政日益艱困的問題,紛紛以「招商」作為增加稅收與發展地方經濟的主要行政手段。兩岸地方政府在中央逐步賦權與相關法律體系完備的情況下,逐漸取得地方招商之權限與能力,但因彼此制度性背景與實務運作上的差異,各自形塑出不同的地方招商治理內涵。然而,一般地方經濟發展與地方招商之研究,多半以政策面的成本效益分析以及制度性研究為主,較少網絡途徑之研究,無法具體描述地方招商之全貌。基此,本文以地方治理概念為基礎,探究兩岸地方政府進行招商的過程中,政府、企業與公民三者間的互動關係,一則檢視其治理網絡之形成與運作,二則藉由個案檢證網絡結構之效力,並透過比較給予相關政策建議。 桃園縣與蘇州市各為兩岸地方招商典範城市,且在府際結構、產業結構、經濟規模等方面,皆具備一定之比較基礎,故以之作為本研究之探討個案,分別探究地方招商治理之制度性背景、行政運作與治理結構。在制度性背景方面,著重於「地方財稅」與「招商權限劃分」制度;在行政運作部分,側重於「投資申請程序與行政協助」、「土地取得程序」、「環境評估制度」與「意見反饋機制」等面向的探討,且為能瞭解地方招商治理中的酬謝系統,亦將「企業之社會回饋」納入討論範疇;招商治理結構則是以前述制度性背景與運作過程為基礎,將治理網絡中各行為者之權力、資源予以描述,而後分析其在治理網絡中的結構位置,最後申論此治理網絡結構之特色與影響。


In the era of globalization and decentralization, local governments recruit businesses as an administrative measure to increase local revenues and develop the local economy. Business recruitment is also a way to maintain economic competitiveness and a solution to financial difficulties. Local governments on both sides of the strait have been gaining control and capabilities over business recruitment in the local economy through the institutionalization of relevant laws and regulations. The different institutional backgrounds and actual implementation of these laws, however, have generated distinct forms of governance. Contrary to expectations, prevailing studies on local economic development and business recruitment focus mainly on the cost-benefit analysis on policies and institutional studies, but non of them adopt the networking approach, which is essential to painting a complete picture of the local governments’ efforts to induce investment. Therefore, this paper builds on the concept of local governance and analyzes the interactions between the government, the enterprises and citizens during the process of business recruitment. The first objective is to observe the formulation and function of the governance network. The second objective is to determine the effectiveness of the network structure by examining individual cases and to offer relevant policy consultations by ways of comparison. Taoyuan County and Suzhou City are paradigm cases for local business recruitment on their side of the strait. In terms of central-local government relations, industry structure and economic development, they have a strong basis for comparison and are selected for case studies in this thesis for this very reason. The case studies are focused on the institutional background, administrative operaions and governance structure. Research on institutional background is concentrated on local revenues and the rights over business recruitment. Administrative operations include the application for investment and administrative aid, land acquisition, environmental evaluation and feedback mechanisms, and it also includes social feedback by enterprises to further understand the appreciative system in local business recruitment. Business recruitment structure is based on aforementioned institutional background and describes the power resources of each actor in their respective positions in the governance network. The governance network structure is then analyzed for its characteristics and effects.


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