  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Single Parents' Remarriage Intention

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


隨著單親家庭的成長,國內許多文獻大多聚焦於單親家長再婚時所面臨的困境及複雜的繼親家庭議題,卻很少探討影響他們再婚意向或態度的因素。因此,本研究參考De Graaf 與 Kalmijn(2003)所提的再婚市場研究架構,從單親家長的社會整合、經濟特性、文化特性等因素來探討其對再婚意向的影響。 本研究的設計採「量化研究」取向,針對喪偶或離婚的單親家長(尚有未婚子女同住或照顧)進行問卷調查,以立意抽樣的方式邀請社福機構或單親組織推薦受訪者,總計回收258有效問卷,並使用邏輯斯蒂迴歸分析統計方式檢測影響單親家長再婚意向相關因素。本研究結果摘要如下: 一、單親家長之再婚意向現況:從受訪者分布來看,受訪家長再婚意向偏低,例如約有五成以上家長表示最近未來絕對不可能再婚,但考量終其一生,就會有六成的家長表示是有可能再婚的,顯示家長在考量再婚可能性時,是有時間性或階段性的,遠程來看的可能性高於近程的可能性。 二、影響單親家長再婚意向相關因素:從邏輯斯蒂迴歸分析結果來看,受訪者的再婚意向不會受到其個人的基本特質、文化特性影響,但個人的社會整合特性,例如鄰居接觸、同事接觸的頻率,以及其經濟特性中的有無工作變項會影響家長最近未來的再婚可能。除了上述的因素外,影響家長終其一生再婚可能的因素,還有其社會整合特性中的最小子女的年齡、參與休閒活動的頻率等因素,也會影響單親家長終其一生的再婚意向。 三、根據上述研究結果,本研究針對社福機構、單親家長提出建議。在社福機構方面,為了提升單親家長的再婚意向,機構應該尊重與關心家長有交往異性朋友及再婚的需求,並應設計相關休閒活動或組織社群團體,提供有需求的家長相關交友與婚前諮詢,降低社會大眾對攜子再婚的負面印象。在單親家長方面,單親家長應面對自己是否有再婚的意願,若想要維持單身,則可以與子女或朋友為期接觸,建立穩定的支持網絡;但若有意再婚,則保持經濟獨立以增加吸引力,並藉由人際網絡、休閒活動來增加交友機會。總而言之,無論家長是否想要再婚,我們都應尊重與相信他們以為自己做了最合適的決定。


Along with the growth of single parent families for the past decades, the intention of remarriage became an issue for their social adjustment of post single parenthood. In the past, extensive studies focused on how difficult the remarriage conditions would be and how complicated the stepfamilies would encounter. Little is known about what kind of factors would affect single parents’ intention of remarriage. Following the thinking of the remarriage market model proposed by De Graaf and Kalmijn in 2003, this study intends to examine how three sets of factors, social integration, economic conditions, and cultural traits, would affect single parents’ remarriage intention. Taking a quantitative approach, the study surveyed single parents from welfare agencies or social clubs using a structured questionnaire. Two hundred and fifty-eight widowed or divorced parents (still caring for unmarried children) were purposively sampled. In this study, logistic regression analysis was used to examine how the three sets of factors predict the intention to remarry. Results indicated that over half of interviewees expressed low possibility of remarrying in recent future, but over 60% of them would be likely to remarry eventually in their lifetime. It showed that the remarriage intention is more likely to happen if it is not in recent future. The study also found that more social contact and working would increase the probabilities of their remarriage intention. However, beside of two above-mentioned factors, age of youngest child, more leisure activity participation would also increase the probabilities of their lifetime remarriage intention. Implications were included in this study. Some suggestions are recommended to single parents personally if they have remarriage intention in the future. And other suggestions are included for social organizations serving single parents if they intends to promote remarriage among single parents. In conclusion, Whether single parents intend to remarry or not, we/the public should respect and believe their choices made appropriately by their own.




