  • 學位論文


Horticultural Activities Healthy Benefits in Therapeutic Farm

指導教授 : 張俊彥


世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)對健康的定義為:「生、心理、社交完全安康的狀態,而不僅是沒有疾病而已。」(世界衛生組織憲章,2006)。然而,隨著接觸自然環境的機會減少,現代人在自然環境中從事活動的比例大幅下降,造成了程度益發嚴重的心理與生理問題(Warburton、Nicol & Bredin,2006),如此的問題對於世界衛生組織所定義的健康狀態有不容忽視的戕害,是現代人應防微杜漸的重要議題。近年來,在自然環境中從事活動時所能獲得的健康效益,以及與自然疏離的活動為何無法產生相應的好處,近年引起許多研究者的關注,通常稱之為「綠色活動(Green exercise)」(Pretty et al., 2004)。 本研究的目的為探討園藝活動其效益內涵,透過兩種自然環境中動手操作的園藝活動,紀錄並分析參與者的生理與心理反應,配合結構式訪談,深入討論園藝活動的效益機制。選定國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院附設山地實驗農場為研究地點,並於農場中設計兩項園藝活動(園藝手工藝、戶外栽植)讓受測者參與其中,於活動結束時藉由生理回饋儀器(肌電值、腦波、末梢血液流量)、心理問卷(環境知覺恢復性、環境偏好、情緒體驗、止觀覺察)及訪談受測者的主觀體驗感受來了解園藝活動帶給受測者的健康效益與效益機制。 研究結果發現,從事園藝活動顯著影響參與者的生理反應,包括肌電值與末梢血液流量;並顯著改善參與者對環境知覺恢復特徵的評價、自評情緒表現以及止觀覺察表現。此外,於溫室當中從事戶外栽植時,對於環境的偏好評估顯著高於在室內教室的園藝手工藝活動,顯示受測者較為偏好戶外的環境。最後,我們訪談活動後的主觀體驗感受,對於描述內容進行關鍵字的分析,結果顯示,相較於從事園藝活動,參與活動後的描述內容對於感受的描述詞多樣性,且大多為正向的形容詞。深入探討影響園藝活動效益因素上,可以分為活動、植物、環境以及其他因素。其中,在戶外栽植的部分,許多受測者提到較多的環境與植物因素:環境舒適、空間配置有趣、花朵的色彩、香氣、植物的質感、味道等,顯示除了對於戶外環境較為偏好外,戶外的環境確實較能引起受測者的關注,並引發正向的感受。


People live in urban area are much more than who live in nature nowadays that means we have less chance to participant activities in nature. This caused some physiological and psychological problems to human (Warburton, Nicol & Bredin, 2006).We have known about the healthy benefits in nature environment from lots of research. Most of them asked their participants to watch nature photograph or videos. However, we would take different activities in the nature environment rather than sit or view (Han, 2017). Many researchers start to take attention to what benefits can people get when engaging activities in nature environment. When we engage activities in nature environment, it can be called as ‘Green exercise’(Pretty, 2004). The aim of the study is to explore the healthy benefits from horticultural activities. We designed two kinds of horticultural activity (handcraft and outdoor planting) and asked subjects to participant all of them. We will record and analyze subjects’ physiological and psychological reaction and their subjective experience through interview and observation after they finished the activity immediately. We chose Mei Feng farm to be our study area and designed two horticultural activities (DIY with seeds and flowers and plants). The experiments will start when they finish their activity right away. We will record their physiological reaction (EEG, EMG and BVP), physiological reaction (PRS, MAAS, environment preference, pleasure and arousal) and their subjective experience about the activity and the environment. The result of the study is that engaging green exercise significant affected subjects’ physiological reaction in EEG and BVP. It also improved their perceived restoration, emotion and MAAS. Besides, the environmental preference of plant outdoor was higher than arts & crafts, this showed that they prefer to engage activity outdoors than indoors. Summarized their subjective experience, we found that after engaging activities, their content were much more abundant and their adjective were more positive like relaxing, calming, pleasant and cozy. Explored deeply about the factors of healthy benefits, we found that might because of the contents of activities, plants, environment and others.


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