  • 學位論文


Elastic-Move: Passive Haptic Device with Force Feedback for Virtual Reality Locomotion

指導教授 : 洪一平


隨著虛擬實境技術的進步,使用者可以藉由頭戴顯示器體驗栩栩如生的虛擬世界,在虛擬實境的應用中,其中一項最被廣泛應用的技術為移動的技術。多數的虛擬實境應用使用瞬間移動作為移動的方式,由於瞬間移動直接改變使用者的視角及在虛擬世界中的位置,省略了移動的過程,因此能夠避免VR Sickness的問題。然而,瞬間移動有一些缺點,相較於連續的移動方式,瞬間移動會降低使用者的沉浸感及使其失去方向感。在本研究中,我們提出「Elastic-Move」,藉由被動式力量回饋裝置降低在虛擬世界連續性移動時導致的VR Sickness,其中包含Elastic-Rope及Elastic-Box兩個裝置。Elastic-Rope由兩條彈力繩及控制器組成;Elastic-Box由八條彈簧及角鋼架組成。我們進行了三個實驗,藉由simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ)問卷測量及比較四個介面:直接移動、瞬間移動、Elastic-Rope、Elastic-Box暈眩程度的差異。最後,此研究的實驗結果說明Elastic-Move相較於直接移動能有效地降低使用者在虛擬實境中移動的暈眩感。


With advances in virtual reality, users can experience in the immersive virtual environment by a head-mounted display. One of the most widely used interaction techniques in VR application is locomotion. Most VR applications currently use teleportation as a locomotion method. Because teleportation does not involve any visible translational motion, it can avoid VR sickness. However, teleportation still has some disadvantages. Compared to the joystick which uses dash to move in the virtual environment, teleportation would reduce user's immersion and make them lose the sense of direction due to the lack of moving process. In this paper, we introduce the "Elastic-Move", an approach for cost-effectively using passive force feedback to reduce VR sickness and allow users to maintain immersion and sense of direction. We propose two haptic devices with force feedback: "Elastic-Rope" and "Elastic-Box". Elastic-Rope is consisting of elastic ropes and controllers, and Elastic-Box is consisting of eight springs and a steel frame. We conducted three experiments that compared the degree of VR sickness by simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) survey while moving in the virtual environment among Dash, Teleport, Elastic-Rope, and Elastic-Box. As a result, Elastic-Rope and Elastic-Box reduce the VR sickness of users. Besides, Elastic-Box can be transposed in numerous applications because it is a low-cost and versatile device. This work suggests that passive force feedback can effectively reduce VR sickness.


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