  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Baseband Transmitter for Wireless LAN

指導教授 : 郭斯彥
共同指導教授 : 陳少傑(Sao-Jie Chen)


資訊的傳送與訊息的連結一直是人們溝通時不可或缺的一環,對於通訊系統的提昇一直是各界努力的目標。雖然說有線傳輸早已行之多年,但由於社會的變遷與人們生活步調的加速,人們對於無線傳輸的渴望就變的更為殷切。從行動電話的問世以來,就已極為快速的風潮席捲全球,原因無他,是因為無線通訊的方便性與機動性滿足了現今人們在生活中對於資訊的需求。 從一九九七年無線區域網路的通訊標準被制訂出來之後,無線網路的實現便成為另一個備受矚目的焦點。從藍芽到IEEE 802.11a、IEEE 802.11b、IEEE 802.11g等規格相繼地被制訂出來,市面上也旋即推出相關的產品,由此不難看出無線區域網路的蓬勃發展。在這篇論文裡,我們將設計與實現的目標集中在IEEE 802.11b 基頻傳送機,由嬝玟W格出發最後到晶片的實現,在整個流程裡我們會先對無線區域網路做一個簡介,再來是介紹展頻技術的原理與實現方式,接下來則是介紹一些在實現基頻傳送機時所會用到的相關電路與原理簡介,爾後則根據這些理論與知識進而勾勒出整個傳送機的硬體架構,最後介紹如何進行晶片的實現。




ABSTRACT The wireless communication has been a goal for people to pursuit all the time. Mobile set, like cell phone and PDA, had changed people's life in all-around way. Though the mobile set has brought in mobility and convenience, but better high-speed communication network is still needed. Wireless local area network (WLAN) nowadays uses the wireless technique to connect PC and Internet with a high data rate. In this Thesis, we will focus on the IEEE 802.11b WLAN. Standard and necessary design techniques for a baseband transceiver will be discussed. Then we will design and implement a baseband transmitter for 802.11b WLAN, using TSMC 0.35µm 2P4M standard cell library. This chip together with the RF chipset for 802.11b will form a core-based platform for the SOC-project in our laboratory.


Baseband Transmitter


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