  • 學位論文


Fast measurement of cell numbers by impedance analysis:a preliminary trial

指導教授 : 趙福杉


由於生物電阻抗分析有簡單,低價,易操作的特性,其應用於實驗室和臨床上的生物體量測已經發展多時。但不論是何種生醫應用,一個針對特殊生物組織而設計的量測硬體和背後的演算法是必要的。有鑑於本實驗室有意研究各類生物組織的電阻抗特性,自有量測系統的開發乃是首要之務。本篇論文的主要目的在於建立一個以二電極為架構的交流分析量測模型(I-V model system)以及其可行性的評估。 在確立了量測模型的可行性後,我們用這套系統來量測人類精液樣本。我們所採用的精液樣本的精子濃度約為每c.c.一千萬~七千萬個,量測頻率的範圍為100 Hz到200k Hz。雖然關於精液的量測已有一些文獻,但針對人類精液量測的部分則不多。我們將量得的阻抗分為實部和虛部頻譜後,觀察頻譜和不同精子濃度樣本間的相關性。得到的結果只顯示少數不穩定的相關性。可能的原因有二個。第一:個體精液背景組成的差異性使得阻抗頻譜的變因不只是精子數目。第二:總體精子所佔的體積分率過小以致量測系統無法偵測其過於微小的阻抗差異性。 論文中亦描述了量測過程中應該注意的事項以及以實部頻譜成分作為分析細胞濃度的方法的可能性。我們也比較了I-V model system和LCR meter的相關性。高相關係數顯示我們所建構的I-V model system確實可供更多的研究來使用。


Electrical bioimpedance analysis has been an attractive way to detect much biological information for decades because of its simple, low-cost, and easy-to-use characteristics. No matter what kind of application where bioimpedance techniques are applied, a tailored system and measurement algorithm are always designed for specific biological material. This thesis is focused on the set-up of an alternative system consisting of two-electrode I-V model algorithm for bioimpedance measurement. Although there have been several articles concerning animal's semen, much less effort has been dedicated to semen of human being. Based on the I-V model system, we tried to measure human semen with sperm counting of 10 to 70 million/mL in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 200k Hz. Impedance spectrum decomposed into real and imaginary parts were plotted to see if any correlation existed between impedance and sperm counting. There was little correlation demonstrated. Two possible reasons were depicted. First, the impedance spectrum depends not only on sperm counting, but also semen's medium composition. Second, the volume fraction of sperms in semen is too small to be detected by the I-V model system. Cautions that should be taken during measurement and potential algorithms for determination of cell number by resistance spectrum were also demonstrated. We compared our I-V model system with a general-purpose LCR meter. The high correlation coefficient between two systems indicated that our I-V model system is useful for further researches.


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