  • 學位論文


Assessment of Sustainable Consumption Patterns based on Environmental Impact Linkage Analysis

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


過去環境負荷主要針對供應端單一面向評估,將環境責任加諸於生產者上,然而需求帶動生產,卻忽略消費端的評估,實不符公平性原則。然而就產業端而言,是否無煙囪產業即是潔淨產業?經濟發展使得當今進入高消費時代,人們在追求流行以實現自我的消費活動中,造成物質過度消費或是消費型態比例不均問題,因而造成環境上的負荷。有別於過去對於單一產業環境排放評估,本研究利用投入產出生命週期評估方法探討需求影響所導致直接與間接的環境負荷,彌補過去評估不足與不公平性,印證產業中並非“有煙囪才有污染排放”的迷思。 從產業環境衝擊關聯分析中,產業在環境影響所扮演角色,透過直 接排放以及因為需求所導致的上游製造端排放,亦能得知其相關性。藉由需求端環境衝擊分析,了解當今台灣地區產業活動供應家計需求所衍生環境影響在各項環境衝擊類別中約佔整體20.52%~34.59%,供應出口貿易需求環境影響佔43.57%~65.91%,顯示目前台灣產業活動所誘發之環境負荷大多來自於應付出口貿易所導致。而本地消費他國生產的環境影響,約佔各項環境衝擊類別47.36%~93.16%,較大影響來自於礦產需求導致,而這股隱性環境衝擊,講求環境公平性原則,未來亦是本地所需負擔的影響。 在評估永續消費型態部分,首先藉由全國家計消費項目與三大產業類別(初級產業、製造業、服務業)之環境衝擊關係,可知製造業消費需求金額比例不高,但環境衝擊潛勢卻大,而服務業消費需求金額比例高,其環境衝擊亦大。若將家計消費項目分類至食、衣、住、行、電子電機產品、服務、其他用品七大類評估,住宅用電、交通運輸石油耗用與空氣污染物的排放、服務需求上的用電影響,皆是造成環境衝擊上的主要因素。 透過各縣市家庭收支調查探討不同消費型態的環境差異變動,都會型態城市有較大的需求環境影響潛勢,尤以新竹市與台北市等七縣市最為顯著,結合消費支出與環境面向的評估,也顯示當今過度消費問題。然而猶如本地消費他國製造的環境不公平性原則,在台灣地區各縣市中台北市、台南市等六縣市皆為需求環境影響大於當今負荷影響,然而高雄市在需求環境影響潛勢大,卻也承受極大環境負荷,顯示環境負荷上的不均狀況。 藉由消費情境模擬上的假設並結合不確定性及敏感度分析,探討不同消費型態下的環境變動以及消費金額固定下不同消費型態的環境差異,可知消費支出的多寡影響環境衝擊佔較大因素,而電力、農產、運輸倉儲的需求,亦是造成環境負荷變動的主要因素。


The traditional environmental load assessment mainly aimed at the pipe-end of industrial process, and accused the producer should take environmental responsibility solely. But the increasing production is driven by the growing demand, it seems unreasonable to exclude the role of consumer, when we seeking the suitable pathway toward sustainable development. Although the material depletion and environmental quality degradation caused by the massive and irresponsible are gradually acknowledged by public in Taiwan, there is still lacking a systematic quantitative tool to explore the whole impact hidden behind daily behavior. Therefore, the “Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment” is applied to estimate the direct and indirect environment load induce by consumption and production pattern in Taiwan, thus the “Only the Stacks Pollute”principle can be re-examined. From environmental impact linkage analysis, the contribution of industries production among the overall environment impact can be discussed. By evaluating environmental load in all kinds of demand, the proportion of total household consumption in Taiwan is about 20.52%~34.59% in various environmental impact categories and export part is about 43.57%~65.91%. The main environmental impact is due to the reason of producing for export. However the environmental load of import is about 47.36%~93.16%, which means the “Taiwan Consumption, Other countries emission” phenomena does exist, and should not be ignored. When comes to the sustainable consumption part, although there is only a small portion of total household expenditure spent in manufacturing industries, but massive environmental load hidden behind those consumption behavior. However, the portion of expenditure spent in service industries and the environmental load are proportional. In the other aspect, electricity using of household and service industries, oil consuming and air pollution emission of transportation are the main factors for environmental impact. Comparing the environmental impact induced by the industrial activities and household consumption among the all counties in Taiwan, there are seven cities causing above average environmental impact owing to over- consumption, especially Hsin-Chu city and Taipei city. Moreover, the environmental impact caused by consumption are much larger than the industrial activity in Taipei city and Tainan city. Those evaluation indicate that the inner environmental inequity should be a issue to deal with by the government. Combining the uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis of different consumption scenario, the total household expenditure spent is the most determining factor of environmental impact. The other determining factor includes the demand of electricity, agricultural production, and transportation. This result can offer a direction to prioritize the sustainable consumption strategies.


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