  • 學位論文


Effects of Unconditional Basic Income on Social Justice and Social Welfare System--Also on Taiwan's Welfare Situation

指導教授 : 陳思賢


當代資本主義之下的福利體系已經快要無法因應因自動化所產生的大量失業人潮與弱勢人口。因此,無條件基本收入作為一種政治思想與可能被實踐的福利制度,在當代具有討論正當性與重要性。隨著貧富差距日益增大,資本家、高薪勞工與低薪酬勞工之間的階級矛盾日益增加,形成社會動盪,過去歐洲式的合作主義傳統已經悄悄改變,加上1970年代和1980年代新自由主義意識形態盛行,政府開始遂行大量去管制化之政策,使得資本所得和生產所得差異日漸擴大。因此,虛無主義和犯罪率雙雙上揚,本來擁有一份穩定收入的白領階級開始面臨高工時、休閒時間被大量縮減以及隨時可能失業的危機。低薪階級更是對於人生失去盼望,他們認為自己永遠不可能翻轉人生,犯罪率和仇富心理因此增加,形成大量治安問題。 在自動化的社會脈絡下,擁有高階技術的資本家與高薪階級日趨富裕,而低階技術工人的職業即將被取代,以社會救助、社會保險以及社會津貼為三大支柱的既有福利體制已然過載,而社會救助造成的烙印化、社會保險造成的社會分化以及社會津貼的發展不成熟無法使低技術工人擺脫貧窮陷阱。基本收入是相關弱勢人口改變自身社會階級與階層的資源,他們可在生活無虞的情境下參加相關培訓,並再度投入職場,進行個人職涯發展。過去,基本收入的批評者指出,基本收入可能引發人類原始的惰性,並導致社會生產力下降。然而,根據相關社會實驗,相關現金移轉方案不僅能幫助生活於赤貧地區人口脫貧,亦能避免造成福利依賴的效果,窮人往往是自己問題的專家,他們能根據自身需求有效地運用手邊資源,並產生具有生產性的效果。這與過去代表福利體制的權控色彩的「專款專用」精神背道而馳,但卻同樣能達到良好的脫貧效果。 自從自由民主價值開枝散葉以來,勞工權利意識提升,勞資衝突案件日趨增加,加上貧富差距日益擴大,社會衝突上升,本來強調勞方、資方與政府三方談判的西方民主式合作主義傳統已被改變。資本家利得與勞動生產所得差距日漸增大,使得勞工不再認可資本家的尊榮地位,反而以剝削者角度看待之。資本所得增加也增進了資本家的談判條件,政府開始傾向與資本家合作,取得相關政治利益與資源。無條件基本收入作為一種勞動政策,預期能提升勞工的議價能力,但可能會降低過去勞工團結的工會傳統,也代表勞動是生存需求被滿足之後能滿足自我實現價值的美好事物。理論上,基本收入能具備解放生產力的效果,自動化排除了不合乎人性的工作,而資方必須提升勞動條件和品質,才能吸引到人才,基本收入不僅能為失業工人提供技能提升的資本,還能使勞工找到一份真正喜歡,使勞動者不須再為生存議題而勞碌。同時,基本收入若搭配近年來已經在公民社會開枝散葉的共享經濟潮流,可能會使過去以私有財產權為主體的資本主義走向共享主義,根據經濟學家熊彼得(Joseph Alois Schumpeter)的預測,那將是資本主義的勝利,但同時也是它的衰亡。 過往福利資本主義將福利體制做為修正資本主義不公義的一種手段,而這種手段在當代已經面臨瓶頸,基本收入或可為福利體制注入強心劑,使得資本主義、勞資關係與社福體制以嶄新的面貌存在於這個世界。最後,筆者以台灣為案例,深入分析基本收入在台灣的制度與文化可行性。


The welfare system under contemporary capitalism is almost unable to cope with the large number of unemployed people and vulnerable populations generated by automation. Therefore, Unconditional Basic Income, as a political thought and a welfare system that may be practiced, has the validity and importance of discussion in contemporary times. As the gap between the rich and the poor widens, the class contradictions between capitalists, high-wage workers, and low-wage workers increase, creating social unrest. The European-style tradition of cooperatism has gradually changed. In the 1970s and 1980s, neoliberalism has been popular, governments began to implement a large number of deregulation policies, making the gap between capital gains and production gains widening. As a result, nihilism and crime rates have both risen. White-collar workers who originally had a stable income are beginning to face the crisis of high working hours, greatly reduced leisure time, and possible unemployment at any time. The low-wage class has lost hope in life. They think that they will never be able to make their lives better. As a result, the crime rate and the hatred of riches have increased, resulting in a lot of safety issues. In the context of an automated society, capitalists and high-income workers with high technology are becoming more affluent, and the occupation of low-level skilled workers is about to be replaced. The existing welfare system with social assistance, social insurance and social allowances as the three pillars is already overloaded. The stigimaty caused by social assistance, the social differentiation caused by social insurance, and the immature development of social benefits cannot make low-skilled workers get rid of the poverty trap. Basic income is a resource for the disadvantaged population to change their social class and stratum. They can participate in relevant training under the situation of no risk of life, and re-enter the workplace to carry out interested career development. In the past, critics of basic income pointed out that basic income may trigger primitive human inertia and reduce social productivity. However, according to relevant social experiments, relevant cash transfer programs can not only help people living in extreme poverty areas to escape poverty, but also avoid the effects of welfare dependence. The poor are often experts in their own problems. They can effectively use the resources at hand according to their needs and produce productive effects. This runs counter to the spirit of "special funds" which used to represent the power control of the welfare system in the past, but it can also achieve a good poverty alleviation effect. Since the values of freedom and democracy have sprung up, the awareness of labor rights has increased, labor conflicts have increased, and the gap between the rich and the poor has widened, and social conflicts have risen. The Western tradition of democratic cooperation that originally emphasized the negotiation between labor, management and government has been change. The gap between the gains of capitalists and the income from labor production is increasing, making labor no longer recognize the honorary status of capitalists, but view it from the perspective of exploiters. The increase in capital income has also increased the negotiating conditions for capitalists. The increase in capital income has also increased the negotiating conditions for capitalists. The government has begun to cooperate with capitalists to obtain relevant political benefits and resources. As a labor policy, unconditional basic income is expected to enhance the bargaining power of workers, but it may reduce the union tradition of labor unity in the past, and it also means that labor is a beautiful thing that can meet self-realized values after the survival needs are met. In theory, basic income can have the effect of liberating productivity, automation excludes jobs which are anti-human, and management must improve working conditions and quality in order to attract talents. Basic income can not only provide unemployed workers with skills upgrading capital, but also let the laborers find a real favorite, so that the laborers no longer have to work on the issue of survival. At the same time, if basic income is matched with the sharing economy trend that has sprung up in civil society in recent years, it may lead capitalism with private property rights as the main body to sharing economy, according to the prediction of economist, Joseph Alois Schumpeter , That would be the victory of capitalism, but at the same time its decline. In the past, in the framework of welfare capitalism, the welfare system is a mean to correct the injustice of capitalism, and this framework has now faced problems. Basic income may transform welfare system, making capitalism, labor relations, and the social welfare system exist in another way. Finally, the author takes Taiwan as an example to deeply analyze the system and cultural feasibility of basic income in Taiwan.


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