  • 學位論文

台灣面板產業廠商之經營發展策略 - 以友達為例

The Strategy Analysis of Taiwan Display Panel Industry – Case Study of AUO

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


顯示科技產業在台灣已發展多年,整體應用產業的產值高達1.4兆台幣,產業上中下游涵蓋超過 200 家零組件或成品供應商,並在台灣締造了超過15萬人口的就業機會、甚至占總GDP約8%,僅次於半導體產業,由此可見顯示科技的相關產業在社會經濟的重要性。 然而,全球顯示器產業的競爭態勢亦相當激烈,中國面板供應商在政府補助加持下,快速地崛起並瓜分市場,若台灣不加速規劃發展與對應對策,將逐步損失市場規模,並在2030年面臨產值下滑5,000億台幣,並流失5 萬人口的就業機會。 因此,本研究欲以個案探討的方式研究台灣面板產業,並以友達光電作個案主軸,先對整體產業做出市場基本了解並利用五力分析來探討在競爭激烈的面板產業中,該如何定位現況與競爭態勢,而針對個案友達光電,則以SWOT分析得知目前機會與優勢,再結合藍海策略中的行動架構與策略原則,試圖在標準品成長趨緩的窘境下,模擬合適的成長策略來佈局利基市場,而智慧醫院將在包含面板產品的ICT設備上帶來驚人成長,若善用台灣完善的醫療系體將有機會將開發風險降低,因此本研究將以醫療面板的策略布局作範例來探討。


The display panel industry has been developing in Taiwan for many years. The annual output value of the whole industry is as high as NT$1.4 trillion. The upstream, midstream and downstream industries cover more than 200 suppliers of components or finished products and have created employment opportunities for more than 150,000 people in Taiwan and account for around 8% of the total Taiwan GDP. The display panel industry is second only to the semiconductor industry and shows the importance of the industry in the economy and technology of Taiwan. However, the competition in the display industry is also quite fierce. With the support of government subsidies, Chinese panel suppliers are rapidly expanding and grabbing the market share. If the panel makers of Taiwan do not figure out strategies and develop countermeasures, they will gradually lose its market size and face a decline in output value in 2030. End up losing 500 billion Taiwan dollars and 50,000 job opportunities. Therefore, this study explores AUO by way of case analysis. First, it makes a basic market understanding of the overall industry and uses the five-forces analysis to identify current situation in the highly competitive panel industry. For AUO case study, I use SWOT analysis to find current opportunities and advantages, and then combines the action structure and strategic principles in the blue ocean strategy to try to simulate an appropriate growth strategy. Finally, apply it to the development of medical display panel market which became more important of pandemic and fit to the niche market.


3.白育綸(2022年4月29日)。大擴產潮來襲!台廠在Mini LED閃亮亮,Micro LED時代能繼續嗎?遠見雜誌。
4.行政院科技會報辦公室(2020 年 5 月 22 日)。「臺灣顯示科技與應用行動計畫(2020-2024年)」。行政院科技會報。(院臺科會字第 1090163944 號函核定)
