  • 學位論文


A Study on The Core Competence Development of Notebook PC Manufacturers in Taiwan with a Reference of Canon Corporation

指導教授 : 李吉仁


本論文旨在探討筆記型電腦產業進入成熟期後,台灣代工廠商利潤持續滑落的情勢下,廠商該如何發展新的能耐與事業,以持續其競爭優勢。為能提供標竿企業作為發展經營策略的參考,本研究選擇日本知名企業,Canon Corporation,針對其核心能耐的發展軌跡、策略與組織運作,進行跨時深入的探討,並評估其核心能耐的持續性,再據以作為台灣主要筆記型電腦廠商未來策略發展的參考。 因此,本研究提出以下建議供台灣筆記型電腦廠商參考: 一、將產品開發重心轉移到關鍵組件的開發 國內廠商可以將專注於開發終端產品的重心轉移到研發關鍵組件上,透過與重要零主件廠商合作培養研發核心產品的能力,逐步掌握關鍵技術。 二、建立從核心技術擴展核心事業的組織運作 學習Canon,改變過去以客戶、市場為導向的事業部組織運作,邁向以核心技術為基礎擴展核心事業的運作模式。 三、善用專業分工專長培養垂直整合的能力 Canon以垂直整合能力創造差異化優勢。國內筆電廠商強於專業分工的合作模式,可以以ODM的專長為基礎,擴大價值鏈的定位。廠商可以選定產業鏈的上游或下遊行策略聯盟或併購,培養局部的垂直整合能力。 四、專注自己獨特的專長並長期投資 國內廠商不應分散資源投資太多事,應在策略上挑選與自己核心能力適合配或發展潛力最佳的技術進行長期投資與發展。建立自己的核心技術,然後進行技術交換或合作獲取其他新技術。 五、建立創造智慧財產的的學習型組織架構 創造差異化的優勢同時創造知識價值。Canon從公司創立之初就開始重視智慧財產的建立,累積無數的專利創造企業重大無形資產,專利的申請不只可以保護企業的智慧財產免於被侵犯,同時拉大與競爭者的差距,廠商應學習Canon的創造專利的精神和方法,在特定的產品及技術領域積極佈局專利版圖。


THESIS ABSTRACT DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY NAME: Huang, Ming-Huei MONTH/YEAR: July, 2009 ADVISER: Dr. Ji-Ren Lee A Study on the Core Competence Development of Notebook PC Manufacturers in Taiwan with a Reference of Canon Corporation The purpose of this thesis is to explore how major Taiwanese Notebook PC (NB, hereafter) manufacturers can cope with their continuous profit erosion due to sever price competition at the end product market. The approach undertaken by the present research is to suggest a rather long term development in their core competence areas. To help implement our suggestions, we established a benchmark by conducting a in-depth and longitudinal investigation on the development of competence architecture at Canon Corporation, which include their technology trajectory, architecutre strategy, organization structure and business operations. With such a benchamark, we compare the differences and similarity between Canon and major NB players and suggest several ways of business transformation. Below are some of the suggestions for Taiwanese NB manufaccturers: 1. Focus on the development of the core component products Taiwan NB manufacturers shall revisit their technology and product strategy and focus on building a competenc architecture that supports the development of core component product. 2. Transform the core business through the development of the core competence Restructure the exisitng business model and organization units based on the competence architecture developed. 3. Develop the capability of vertical integration from existing ODM expertise Vertical integration may enhance the NB manufacturer's competitiveness in terms of response speed and costs. With increasing level of intergration, NB manufacturers could further extend their competence scope through alliance or M&A., which would further enhance their business transformation. 4. Focus on the specialty area and make long-term investment NB manufacturers should not spread their resources too thin by diversifying in too much areas. They should make consistent and focused efforts in developing those specialized competence areas that reveal greater leveraging potential. 5. Building a learnig organization to develop corporate’s Intellectual properties Canon established an aggressive patent managment system to grow intellectual properties since the corporate founding stage, which became valuable treasures of the company. NB manufacturers are suggested to build up organization and management process to implement IP competitiveness.


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