  • 學位論文


A Study on the Entry Strategy & New Business Design of PV Industry

指導教授 : 陳思寬
共同指導教授 : 江炯聰(Jong-Tsong Chiang)


全世界太陽光電產業在 2009 年已達到年量 6.9GW 的規模,估計到 2012 年會到達14.8GW 的年產量,在市場規模呈現指數成長的情況下,太陽電池系統以及維護產業的產值預期也將有高度的成長。本研究的主旨在探析台灣的電子業廠商如何掌握這個成長的機會,進入太陽能產業的領域。 本研究首先陳述各種太陽電池的結構、製程、特性與發展近況,經由產業分析、各廠商狀況、消費者實際需求歸納出太陽能系統切入機會;同時,本研究根據產業利潤池的推估,也確立了系統服務業為目前高獲利的市場利基。然後,根據太陽光電產業中不同產品的生命週期導出,太陽能產業開始進入密集通路以及市場價格滲透的競爭;同時,由於上游原料缺料問題已獲解決,太陽能上中游無論品質、供應量都無虞的狀況下,發展太陽能系統服務業有了充足的供應。 在大型太陽能發電廠競爭過於激烈、一般屋頂型太陽能系統目前仍是市場主流下,此端客戶希望太陽能系統能方便、有品牌、大量客製化、維護有保障以及價格低廉前提下使用,本研究認為台灣品牌電子業,結合品牌大通路商以及銀行,將成為台灣廠商進入太陽能市場有利的機會。 基於此一進入選擇,本研究建議廠商採用建立系統設計以及服務平台策略,透過建立自身系統設計以及監控能力、快速委外採購原件及擴展銷售通路的模式,本研究建議以「異業結合」與「切入產品以及服務」的兩個進入模式,討論新商業模式設計。


As the world production of solar power is expected to grow from 6.9GW in 2009 to 14.8GW in 2012, the business opportunity associated with such tremendous growth for PV system & service is very high in the years to come. This research focus on how Taiwanese electronic companies embrace this opportunity entering PV field.. This thesis starts from postulating the structure, production process, characteristics and trends of various solar cells products. From industry analysis, PV players dynamic move and customers practical needs, we summarize PV system & Service business opportunity. Meanwhile, from industry profit pool calculation, we certain that PV system & service enjoying high profit. In addition, judging from the product life cycle, this research suggests that PV industry now enters the competition of intense distribution and price penetration. Nowadays, silicon material supply problems has been solved, and up-mid segment manufactures can produce high quality and abudunt products. Entering PV system & service business have enough weapons to expand busness growth. Large-size PV power plants faces severe competion from current power plants and PV suppliers, roof-top type PV system now still market mainstream. This segment customers wish to have brandname, convenient, mass customized, maintain proof and low price PV system. This research suggests that Taiwan brand name electronic companies, alliance with big channels and banks, have edge to enter PV syetem & service market. Based on these insights, this research suggests that by establishing system design & service platform, the company set up their own system design and monitoring capabilities. Through rapid outsourcing and expand channel models, our research therefore suggests two strategic directions: Strategic Alience and design product & service platform, upon which value net and business model are discussed.


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